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Problem Vs Friction

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In any relationship, whether with family or friends, there will always be these two challenges which will test the stability of one's relationship with others.
These are the problems and frictions.
However, even if the two are the most common means to create grudges, many people oftentimes confuse one term to another.
That is why it will be very helpful for you to distinguish these two terms in order for you to make reasonable decisions and thorough understanding about the matter.
Start with the easiest definition of a problem.
Basically, any kind of problem refers to being in the state of difficulty because of a certain obstacle.
One example of a physical problem is when the sales rate of your business is consistently going down.
Another is when you do not have a job where you can earn your income.
On the other hand, friction refers to the resistance inside you which prevents you from moving on smoothly and eventually solves the main problem.
With that, you would know that most problems are not easily solved because of friction.
Take this as an example; you want to find the most appropriate alternative to stabilize or uplift the recent status of your business, but deep inside yourself, you don't really like selling and marketing.
Therefore, the problem still remains.
Another example is when you don't have enough source of income, but you are not doing anything to hunt and apply for a job.
Again, the problem still remains.
Now that you know the basic difference between problems and frictions, it will now be easier for you to understand both terms when they are being used in the context of any type of relationship.
One very common example of grudges in a relationship is when you offend your fellows, intentionally or unintentionally.
You know that it was your fault but that was not really the problem.
The problem is that you are creating a stain with the relationship you have.
The friction in that kind of situation is your unwillingness to make an apology.
So the best way to avoid further damage in a relationship is to admit that it was your mistake, make a sincere apology and find any possible ways to compensate.
Another classic example is when you are hesitant to enter into a relationship but just afraid to hurt someone or be hurt.
The best solution in this situation is to be willing to risk.
Keep in mind that in business, only those who risk can achieve real success.
You should not be afraid to explore for there's so much to see around.
Little did you know, you have already came across with that perfect someone.
Having problems and frictions is just normal in life.
But as much as possible, it's always better to full-halfheartedly treasure the relationships you have.
Don't just confine yourself in a certain problem; instead focus on how you will be able to identify the friction which is the root of the problem.
Sometimes, you already know what to do but the hard part is doing it.
This is exactly something that you should avoid for any problem will never be resolved without necessary actions.

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