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Healthy Diet For Healthy Weight Loss

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Sometimes people who want to be slimmer suffer a lot of misfortunes for their quest to an effective weight loss. They have already tried a lot of things to lose weightfrom simple physical exercises to vigorous workouts, from taking slimming pills to risky liposuctionbut in effect none resulted to their desired body still. The problem is they often simply forgot the main ingredient to any weight loss programa healthy diet.

Let us say for example, you committed to run everyday expecting for a quick weight loss. But because running makes you dreadfully tired and hungry, you cannot keep yourself from eating more. You treat yourself a bottle of soda to quench your thirst, take a quarter-pounder burger to satisfy your belly, and a pint of ice cream to regain your energy. Well, no thanks to running because it actually did not serve its purpose.

Like a piece of cheesecake that goes perfectly with blueberries, exercise is best served along with the right diet. One cannot expect weight loss without the discipline of eating right. It is definitely important not to take what you are digesting for granted because it will break or make your plan of making the weighing scales hand go down.

So to get you started, plan your daily exercise with a healthy diet meal. Here are the food groups which can healthily provide what you need:

Healthy Carbohydrates

Some opt for low-carbohydrate diet but proper amount of it helps in weight loss. These includes fruits, vegetable, whole grains and beans

Healthy Fats

Fats are what we fight in here but good fats promote weight loss, believe it or not. Unrefined, no cholesterol vegetable oils, olive oils and canola oils have low-calorie fats and are not risky for the health.

Healthy Protein

Protein gives energy and it is not that good to totally avoid it. There are foods with healthy protein like fish, lean beef, chicken, beans and soy foods that keeps your energy so you can do your daily exercises.


Healthy diet does not prevent intake of sugar. On the contrary, the body needs glucose as source of energy. But to be able to reduce some weight, it is better to take fewer sweets as it is also important for diet compliance.

Dairy Products

Some diets forbid dairy products during a plan of weight loss because it is high in fat. But dairy products adequately nourish the body with calcium. So with less fat found in cottage cheese, low fat milk and non-fat butter would do no harm in your plans.

Dietary Fiber

Fibers are the most important food group in a diet program. Both soluble and insoluble fibers found in beans, oats, apple, banana, nuts, seeds, grains and cereals assists in proper digestion for healthy weight loss.


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