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Coffee Makers - The Basics

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A coffee maker is an appliance, usually operated at home or in coffee shops, which you can use to make coffee while bypassing the need to boil water separately.
Essentially, it is an appliance that brews coffee.
Typically, the most popular brewing method employed is the drip-brew principle, wherein heated water is made to run through ground beans which have been scooped onto a funnel in the machine.
The prepared concoction then drips through the apex of the funnel and into a container set under this funnel.
Naturally, the type and quality of the coffee you brew would depend on several factors.
As expected, the key component to making a good cup of joe would be the beans itself.
Nothing beats using fresh coffee, whether in the form of whole beans or as ground coffee.
Just as important is the ability to preserve the freshness of the beans, because more often than not you cannot brew all of the coffee beans that you have just bought.
One good way to go about the upkeep of your coffee's freshness is store it in airtight bags, such as zip lock containers which you can open and reseal anytime.
The key is to ensure that your coffee is kept away from heat and air.
Also, make certain that you store it in a place that is dry and cool.
Now when it comes to preparation, the general rule is to prepare about 1 to 2 spoons of coffee for every 6-ounce cup.
However, you may vary this mix depending on your personal tastes.
The beauty of making coffee is that you can serve it in a variety of ways-black, with cream or milk, and varying amounts of sugar.
There are also several types of coffee makers to choose from, and the type you can opt to use will depend on exactly what kind of beverage you want.
The first type is the pressure-brewed type of coffee maker.
This one uses extreme pressure to brew black coffee.
If done right, this maker also gives you a gold crema while maintaining the coffee's full-bodied aroma.
The caffeine content of the coffee you can brew from a pressure-brewed maker is about 30% less that that you can make using a drip type.
Another good thing about this particular coffee is that it contains no tannic acid.
Still one other type of machine is the filter drip type, or simply the drip type, wherein coffee is simply brewed through a filter.
The great thing about this coffee maker is that it is relatively easy to clean.
Yet still another type of coffee maker is that pod maker, which makes use of pre-packaged coffee packed in a filter.
Needless to say, this type of coffee maker is very easy to use.

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