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Are You at Risk For Drug Abuse?

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Many people live lives that make them feel very secure in the knowledge that they will never become a drug addict.
Unfortunately, a large percentage of these same people are probably at risk for drug abuse right now, without even realizing it.
Drug abuse, like alcoholism, does not discriminate.
It doesn't matter how much money you make.
It doesn't matter if you attend church services weekly.
It doesn't matter if you live in a great neighborhood or attend the best schools.
Even people with the most upscale lives can become addicted to drugs.
It can happen easier and faster than you could possibly imagine.
For example, if you have an injury, or even have a procedure done, and your doctor prescribes pain pills, you could easily become addicted to those pain pills.
This happens more often than most people realize.
Furthermore, two people could start taking the same pain pills at the same time, for the same length of time, and one of them could become addicted to the drug, while the other one does not.
Addiction to prescription drugs is drug abuse, just as addiction to illegal drugs is drug abuse.
Just because the pills are prescribed by a doctor, and are purchased legally from a pharmacy, if the drug has addictive properties, you can become addicted to it.
Don't make the mistake of doubting this.
Aside from addictive properties of the drugs, there are other factors that increase your risk of becoming addicted.
A family history of drug addiction or alcoholism increases your risk.
Suffering from psychological problems or emotional problems increases the risk.
High levels of stress, being male, isolation, or peer pressure can all increase your risk of drug addiction.
It is so important that you realize that drug addicts don't just become addicts due to use of illicit or illegal drugs that are purchased on the street.
In fact, we might all be surprised to find that there are more people addicted to prescription drugs than there are addicted to illegal drugs, because prescription drugs are much easier to get, and often cheaper than illegal drugs purchased on the street.
Finally, if you have a need for prescription pain killers or other addictive prescription drugs, talk to your doctor about the possibility of becoming addicted, and also ask your doctor for safer alternatives.
Never take a prescription pain killer when an over-the-counter pain reliever will do the job.

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