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The Perfect Kind of "Cheesy" Event

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April 17 celebrates National Cheese Ball day, which is a great opportunity for everyone to enjoy a range of tasty treats. Not only does cheese come in a variety of flavors, but it can be served with just about any meal in any method you can possibly conceive.

There are a few select choice recipes for cheese balls that you may want to consider for your next event. While cheese balls are renowned as an appetizer, you can turn any of these into an exotic meal to treat your guests to a flavorful event.

Pecan Cheese ball, which takes advantage of the flavor of chopped pecans with a zesty cheddar cheese, definitely makes for an excellent flavor this spring. Tuna Pecan Cheese is actually a dip that takes the flavor of Pecan Cheese balls a step further, taking advantage of a combination of flavors, including tuna, cream cheese, and pecans.

The Zesty Cheese ball utilizes some of the all-time favorites, incorporating Italian-style dressing, cream cheese, and some dried beef strips, to make it an appetizer that could even pass as a full-course meal. The Pineapple Cheese ball uses an assortment of vegetables and the very delicious pineapple fruit. In combination with bell peppers and green onion, this also can make a meal all on its own.

While great on its own, cheese can be added to just about any meal. Salads, Philly Cheese Steak, and even cheese dips are all great additions to a flavorful event. You may even consider including the all-time favorite cheese cake as part of your event. (Just remember to hide a slice for yourself, because it'll disappear fast!)

Turning all of these flavors into the right combination meal for your event would definitely benefit from the help of the professionals. Gomez Catering has the taste and talent to help create an exotic assortment of tasty treats for any event.

This April, don't forget to take advantage of some cheesy treats that will turn your event into a memorable tradition each year. With some spice, and a little cheese, you can count on your guests walking away full of food and delight.

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