Kick The HabitThe Biggest Myth Of Smoking
The very human trait of making excuses for 'not' doing something is truly remarkable. When it comes to quitting smoking, we quite often fall back on some old tried-&-tested excuses but there's still a wonderful inventiveness out there and there are many brilliant (and sad) excuses that are very often used to stop someone trying hard enough to kick the habit completely!
The most commonly used excuse that's just a complete "myth" is this general statement - "I've got to smoke because [insert your favorite excuse here"].
Just chill for a few minutes and check out all the non-smokers - do you truly believe that they're enjoying their life any less than you? Do you honestly reckon they're more stressed then you?
There are more non-smokers than there are smokers and they never formed a deadly habit to keep their hands occupied, they don't need a tube of toxin-filled paper in their mouth all the time and don't need or desire the killer breath that their smoking pals have.
This list of silly excuses for not quitting smoking is never-ending and you've most likely experienced it but all those other people around you are going through the very same stresses and curve-balls that life throws at all of us, without the need to slowly execute themselves and those around them!
The biggest and most common excuses that are responsible for generating the "I need" myth are that if they were to relinquish smoking they're stress levels would climb, they'd feel less content, even depressed and they wouldn't be able to calm frayed nerves or a bad temper - any of these sound familiar?
Before the time or the moment that you made the decision to begin smoking - from the day of your birth, you didn't "need" a cigarette as you went through all the trails and problems of physically and mentally growing and learning.
You never considered the need for the 'rush' gained from nicotine activated endorphins and you didn't need the mild elation caused by relaxing dopamine that's also released by smoking which subsequently allows the question of why you wanted to start it in the first place.
I'd wager there are plenty of smokers reading this right now who don't even remember why they started in the first place.
The biggest, most common reason is generally peer pressure of course. The incredible thing about it though is that every smoker would have had to work real hard to really find out how to smoke and get their bodies used to accepting the poison they're now breathing into their lungs - incredible isn't it?
It would be difficult to believe that a person doesn't remember his or her first few cigarettes, the dizziness, maybe even the throwing up but hey, we looked real cool man!
There's now an ever-increasing amount of ex-smokers and you are at the very instant that they once were before they quit and proved beyond any doubt that nobody 'needs' to smoke for any reason whatsoever - the clear-cut fact is, you are no different!
It's a very obvious fact - there is absolutely no rationalization for any person to ever reckon that they have to smoke, that's a complete myth and smoking is a treacherous habit that's very likely going to kill you in one of several nasty ways.
In summary; smoking cripples and kills many people in many different ways so the only thing you really 'need' to do is stop right now and even though you're bound to find it a little tough at first, being able to kick the habit is much easier than you think YOU ONLY HAVE TO WANT TO!
Quitting smoking naturally, speedily, and permanently isn't and has never been about overly complicated systems and/or poisonous pills and patches - it's all about simplicity, a little bit of will-power and some genuine tried and tested tobacco-quitting knowledge.
The most commonly used excuse that's just a complete "myth" is this general statement - "I've got to smoke because [insert your favorite excuse here"].
Just chill for a few minutes and check out all the non-smokers - do you truly believe that they're enjoying their life any less than you? Do you honestly reckon they're more stressed then you?
There are more non-smokers than there are smokers and they never formed a deadly habit to keep their hands occupied, they don't need a tube of toxin-filled paper in their mouth all the time and don't need or desire the killer breath that their smoking pals have.
This list of silly excuses for not quitting smoking is never-ending and you've most likely experienced it but all those other people around you are going through the very same stresses and curve-balls that life throws at all of us, without the need to slowly execute themselves and those around them!
The biggest and most common excuses that are responsible for generating the "I need" myth are that if they were to relinquish smoking they're stress levels would climb, they'd feel less content, even depressed and they wouldn't be able to calm frayed nerves or a bad temper - any of these sound familiar?
Before the time or the moment that you made the decision to begin smoking - from the day of your birth, you didn't "need" a cigarette as you went through all the trails and problems of physically and mentally growing and learning.
You never considered the need for the 'rush' gained from nicotine activated endorphins and you didn't need the mild elation caused by relaxing dopamine that's also released by smoking which subsequently allows the question of why you wanted to start it in the first place.
I'd wager there are plenty of smokers reading this right now who don't even remember why they started in the first place.
The biggest, most common reason is generally peer pressure of course. The incredible thing about it though is that every smoker would have had to work real hard to really find out how to smoke and get their bodies used to accepting the poison they're now breathing into their lungs - incredible isn't it?
It would be difficult to believe that a person doesn't remember his or her first few cigarettes, the dizziness, maybe even the throwing up but hey, we looked real cool man!
There's now an ever-increasing amount of ex-smokers and you are at the very instant that they once were before they quit and proved beyond any doubt that nobody 'needs' to smoke for any reason whatsoever - the clear-cut fact is, you are no different!
It's a very obvious fact - there is absolutely no rationalization for any person to ever reckon that they have to smoke, that's a complete myth and smoking is a treacherous habit that's very likely going to kill you in one of several nasty ways.
In summary; smoking cripples and kills many people in many different ways so the only thing you really 'need' to do is stop right now and even though you're bound to find it a little tough at first, being able to kick the habit is much easier than you think YOU ONLY HAVE TO WANT TO!
Quitting smoking naturally, speedily, and permanently isn't and has never been about overly complicated systems and/or poisonous pills and patches - it's all about simplicity, a little bit of will-power and some genuine tried and tested tobacco-quitting knowledge.