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5 Common Dental Problems

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The most common dental problems tend to stem from poor dental hygiene and unregulated eating habits. "Our teeth and gums are the first in line of any exposure when we consume something, be it solids or liquids. It's the same for when we breathe or smoke for example. Patients must be proactive in their dental health management," says Dr. Gurz, a Dentist in Diamond Bar CA, he explains, "Regular consultation can help maintain dental health. Some harmful bacteria can develop quickly and can damage the gums and tooth enamel."

According to the Dentist in Diamond Bar the most common complaints from dental patients include:

Bad Breath:

Bad breath can be a real de-motivator and can affect self-confidence. While it can be a common problem, Dr. Gurz explains that most breath odours can be perpetuated by an underlying disease or dental condition. Dry mouth, gum diseases, tooth cavities and excessive bacterial activity can cause such problems. Bacteria can often accumulate on the tongue and around the gums, which is why it is good to scrape them gently when brushing your teeth. However, if you are suffering from chronic bad breath, then you should consult your dentist to root out the problem, which in a worst case scenario can be something as serious as oral cancer.


While the toothache itself is a generic problem, it can also be a cause for concern in some cases. The Dentist from Diamond Bar CA explains that most patients tend to experience severe pain bout during the molar sprout. The wisdom tooth forces it way out to an already adjusted frame, this can cause pain due to the pressure brought on to the other teeth and can also lead to misalignment. The other common reasons can include tooth decay or cavities along with physical trauma, etc. In case of persisting toothache, patients are advised to consult their dentist.

Teeth Sensitivity:

A number of dental patients tend to suffer from sensitive teeth. While it is a common problem, it can drastically affect the patient's life style. Sensitive teeth tend to react to extreme temperatures. Patients have problems consuming something that either too hot or cold while breathing in through the mouth may also cause pain. However, with constant use of fluoride and good dental hygiene patients tend to recover over time. "It is important that you choose a soft brush and be gentle on your teeth," recommends the Dentist in Diamond Bar CA.

Tooth Erosion:
Tooth erosion can occur due to many reasons. While it is common amongst people with sensitive teeth, it usually occurs due to excessive bacteria and mouth acid. The Dentist in Diamond Bar CA [] explains that a common reason for tooth erosion is teeth grinding. Most patients tend to grind their teeth whilst asleep while in some cases a patient may also develop a habit of doing it subconsciously when concentrating on something. Dr. Gurz recommends his patients to wear a mouth/teeth guard when asleep and consciously make an effort to control long running habits.

Tooth Decay:

A very common problem, tooth decay is mainly caused due to poor dental hygiene and excessive consumption of sugary products. The plaque that gathers around your tooth congregates starch and sugar debris which in turn attracts bacteria. Bacteria can gather around the tooth and thaw at the protective enamel, dissolving the tooth in the process. The Dentist in Diamond Bar recommends brushing regularly and using antiseptic mouthwash. Dr. Gurz also advises his patients to regulate their food intake, avoiding food with high sugar dose.

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