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Natural Colon Cleansing Recipes

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Out of many ways for colon cleansing methods, natural colon cleansing recipe is the one that is generally sought-after. This is because of many reasons; easy availability, instant recipe requiring no much time and less efforts etc. People, since centuries, have been making various home recipes for colon cleansing. It is long-familiar fact that for healthy digestive system, one should go for colon cleansing because it offers good health. Over the times, the foods that we consume generally get lodged onto the walls of the entire gastrointestinal tract and then ultimately such wasteful/harmful materials get reabsorbed into the bloodstream instead of being expelled from the body. Natural colon cleansing recipe helps removing those unwanted substances and make body healthier.

There are many homemade natural colon cleansing recipes, using Bentonite clay, as one of them. This is edible clay having strong power to bind the wasteful materials present in the intestines. It can adhere with the build-up along the walls of the intestines aiding in expulsion. Generally, such edible material is mixed with Psyllium-husks and juices or simply, plain water. This is normally taken over a period of some weeks depending upon the case. During therapy, a person is asked to drink plenty of water and to eat generally whole raw-foods like fresh fruits and dark green leafy vegetables.

Another great way to go for natural colon cleansing recipe is to be on juice diet. A fruit-juice diet is very efficacious way to cleanse the entire gastrointestinal tract. One can get extract/juice of the fresh fruits and vegetables and should include them into daily-diet. It is therefore, store bought juices might not make the cut. It is well known fact that while making juice from fresh fruits or ingredients, all the vitamins and other essential minerals get into it and the pulp remains as a waste. Consuming such rich extract, one can retain the powerful natural fruit/vegetable enzymes that ultimately aid in colon cleansing. Being on a juice diet, one is also asked to drink plentiful amounts of water in order to flush out toxins and unwanted/harmful material from the alimentary canal.

Including Probiotics such as acidophilus would restore the friendly-bacteria into the digestive system making it more capable to digest the food eaten. It is now proven that Yeast flakes or raw eggyolk is quite similar of taking multivitamins as they both are rich in vitamins and minerals. A healthy oil supplements are also important for which, one can go for cod-liver oil, coconut or fish oil. Sunflower oil and oils with omega-3 are also good ton consume as they contain natural colon cleansing properties. Consuming Vitamin C as a daily health supplement helps lessening some unwanted side-effects such as lethargy or dullness.

Simple colon cleansing recipe can also be made using some spices and herbs that we have around us. You can simple take holy basil, cloves, black pepper, ½ tsp lemon juice, rock salt and a pinch of asafetida. Mix them all and put them into the boiling water. Allow it to be a bit cool and when turns to lukewarm solution/drinkable, consume it at once. Do this for about 15-20 days and remain on fruit juice/vegetable juice diet - this works in majority of the cases where natural colon cleansing recipe is required.

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