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The Secret To Understanding The Different Types Of Spa

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For the uninitiated, the word spa conjures images of swimming pools, saunas and massage tables. It can be easy to think that all spas are the same and feature the same treatments and therapeutic methods. However, the truth is that the word spa is just a blanket term for a number of very different treatment centres.

Depending on your needs and desires, there are different types of spa to be enjoyed at different times in your life.

Here is a brief (but by no means exhaustive, as the variations are endless) guide to the main different kinds of spas. If you are considering going to a spa in the near or distant future, its a good idea to know which one will suit you best.

Thermal spas

Often known as thermal spring spas, this kind of spa has an on-site source of natural hot water. These hot waters have traditionally been used around the world for medicinal relief, for a number of different skin and physical maladies. However, theyre not just used as treatment, as hot, natural mineral water can also leave you feeling totally relaxed and satisfied.

Destination spas

Some spas are designed to be destinations in themselves. Often found in remote or secluded areas, destination spas aim to provide a sense of lifestyle improvement, often complementing spa treatments with other holistic therapies like yoga and healthy eating. It makes them perfect for those looking for a little detox.

Ayuverda spa

The oldest form of health system in the world, Ayuverda was developed in India centuries ago and is still used widely around the world today. The key to the success of Ayuverda is that it not only heals but seeks to prevent illness and disease by strengthening the immune system.

Medical spas

In a similar vein to Ayuverda, these spas are focused on health but use a more modern and scientific approach to treatment. More and more people are now being referred to this kind of spa by health professionals, as an alternative to taking pills or at least in conjunction with more conventional treatments.

Thalassotherpay spa

This kind of spa uses warm seawater to relax and de-stress the body and mind, providing relief for general aches and pains. These spabreaks are less common in the UK but becoming more and more popular.

As you can see, with these and many others to choose from, picking the right spa for you involves a little thought. However, whichever you choose, youre sure to feel the benefit.

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