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5 Super Simple Tips To Cure Acne Forever

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Statistics show that over 80 percent of all teenagers and
over 20 percent of adults suffer from acne in one form or
another. Acne sufferers amount to millions of people, both
male and female regardless of where you come from. Hers are
5 simple remedies, in no particular order, that can get rid
of acne forever and maintain the overall health of your

1.Enjoy plenty of sunlight and fresh air. Sunlight provides
vitamin D which is one of the most important requirements
for a healthy skin. Not Only your skin but your overall
health and mind will benefit from the outdoors. However,
don't go to the extreme of getting sunburn! There is always
the danger of this which can block pores and actually make
the problem worse. Even of greater risk is the threat of
skin cancer due to overexposure to sunlight.So be prepared,
use sun protection lotions with nothing less than a
protection factor of 30.

2.Reduce stress. Yes, stress also affects the skin and it
comes in many forms. Jobs, exams, moving house, money etc,
etc. Don't just accept it, deal with it. Make some time for
yourself, away from everybody including the spouse and
kids. Listen to your favorite music, read a book, have a
hobby, exercise or meditate, have some fun, whatever, just
make sure you have some me time to unwind. Do not ignore
your health otherwise it WILL go away!

3.Water, water everywhere. 8 to 10 glasses of purified water
a day. Purified because water is suppose to taste sweet and
wet not dry and bitter like normal tap water. Not enough
water leads to dehydration, which affects your whole body,
inside and out. This leads to dead skin which can block
pores. Water is also needed to flush out toxins. If you
don't know what water is start with 4 to 5 glasses a day,
building up to the required amount. If this sounds hard it
will be, especially if you don't drink water regularly,
but believe me, use this one tip alone and see the
difference in your overall health, I guarantee it!

4.Do not over-wash your face. What this means is that to
much tap water, which is hard and unpurified, can result in
your skin drying out. To compensate your body will produce
more oil. More oil, together with dead, dry skin leads to
more blocked pores and so the vicious cycle continues.

5.Watch what you eat. Add more fruit and vegetables to your
diet. You can do this in the form of salads, dried fruit and
other healthy treats. Some people make the mistake of
becoming calorie counters and worry to much about the
numbers. What happens is that it becomes to hard and they
just quit. The key, as is with everything in life, is
moderation. You don't have to cut out the thing you like,
just consume less of them.

There you have it, 5 simple tips to cure acne forever. This
is by no means the be all and end all cure to acne but it
can be used as a starting point to aid you in the prevention
and treatment of acne.

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