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Natural Cure for Eczema - Best Alternative to Cure Eczema

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Eczema is an inflamed skin condition that can occur to anyone.
Typically, it is more common in children.
There are many types of eczema, however, the causes of all the types are not known.
Few types of eczema can be caused due to the contact to chemical irritants and allergens.
There are various medications available in the market, but natural cure for eczema is always preferred over chemical-based treatment.
It is mainly because of the fact that the former provides no or minimum side effects, but the later has all the possibilities to develop various mild to severe side effects.
In Ayurveda, eczema is known as vicharchika which can occur for the disturbances on any or combinations of three doshas or humors.
Ayurveda suggests natural cure for eczema by using various useful herbs and preparations made from these herbs.
Below is brief description of some of the essential herbs that aid in natural cure for eczema.
Neem Neem is known as Sarbaroganibarini in Ayurveda which means 'cure for all diseases'.
Both internal and external applications of neem may offer benefits in treating eczema.
Neem can be considered as an effective and holistic natural cure for eczema.
It is advised in Ayurveda that the paste prepared from neem leaves should be applied over the affected region.
It immediately offers a relief from skin irritation.
Neem leaves offer antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory reaction to the affected area, so it benefits when applied.
Neem also offers benefits with internal application.
If you eat stir-fried neem leaves or juice of neem leaves daily, it can offer extensive benefits to your overall health system.
It helps in keeping the skin healthy and glowing.
Tulsi Tulsi is one of the common herbs seen in many places in India.
It has extensive medicinal properties.
Likewise neem, Tulsi is also used both externally and internally.
The in combination with neem leaves Tulsi paste over the affected area can offer a natural cure for eczema.
The paste can also be mixed with fresh turmeric powder.
Turmeric powder offers antibacterial property, so it is helpful in any type of skin infection.
Palasha This is also an important herb offering a natural cure for eczema.
The grounded seeds of Palasha can be mixed with lime juice for preparing the medicinal mixture useful in treating eczema.
It is then applied over the inflamed area to make it free from irritation and inflammation.
Prevention is always better than cure Although we are discussing about natural cure for eczema, but there are few essential preventive measures important in treating eczema.
If you care for a proper preventive measure, it means you are minimizing the risk of severity of eczema.
In fact, in rare cases eczema can actually be cured, but can be treated by following effective natural preventive measures.
At the first place of preventive actions, you need to drink plenty of water.
Water cleanses our body system.
Eczema is particularly a dry skin problem.
So plenty of water can hydrate your body and help your skin moist from inside.
Moisturizer is crucially important for eczema affected skin type.
It helps alleviating the dry skin problem.
Itching is an irritating symptom associated with this type of skin disorder.
Moisturizer helps alleviating this problem to some extent.
Individuals suffering from eczema may enter into the vicious cycle of itching and scratching.
So it is always advisable that eczema patient must not be allowed to keep long nails.
Our nail carries many germs and toxic substances that may cause skin infection.
Scratching results in more itching.
Again sense of itching may lead you to scratch that area.
Mudpack offers a soothing relief from the sense of itching.
You can apply mudpack bandage over the affected area and keep it for 3-4hours.
Throughout the day, you can apply this mudpack bandage for 5-6 times.
If you are having eczema, you should strictly avoid pollen, allergens, irritants, harsh soaps, and detergents.
Stress can also lead to certain health complications like eczema.
You should maintain a healthy balance in your emotional stress level.
Apart from that, you should stay away from excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco using.

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