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What Causes Dry And Scaly Hands? How Can You Cure It?

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Are you afflicted with dry and scaly hands? Are you wondering why you have this skin problem? Our hands are quite vulnerable to a lot of skin problems.
That is primarily because of its thinner skin structure.
It is more fragile and delicate than the other parts of our body.
Moreover, our hands are usually subjected to numerous external aging causes.
The following are some of the most common causes of dry and scaly hands: 1.
Allergic reaction to chemicals If you have sensitive skin, exposure to harsh chemicals might pave way to the appearance of scaly hands.
It triggers irritation on the hands.
Some people experience a tingling sensation on their hands.
Others notice a slight thickening of their palms.
Working too much Cleaning the bathroom, the garage, your car, your room, the kitchen and the living room every week is no joke.
It is especially taxing to your hands.
To say that your hands are overworked is an understatement.
Poor skin maintenance If you don't pamper your hands after you subject it to numerous external aging causes, it will definitely age faster.
Over washing Washing your hands frequently can strip away the essential lipids in the skin.
This makes your dermis dry and vulnerable.
Cumulative exposure to UV rays The UV rays of the sun stress out the skin.
They speed up the aging process of the dermis.
They also impair the skin's regenerative abilities.
You need to start pampering your skin from now on.
Make sure you wear rubber gloves when cleaning or dealing with chemical products.
There is no harm in wearing rubber gloves.
This will protect your skin from daily wear and tear.
You also have to keep your hands hydrated all the time.
Lack of skin moisture can easily damage skin tissues.
Look for a moisturizer that is capable of maintaining youthful dermis structure.
Find a moisturizer that contains CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame, Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 and Manuka Honey.
CynergyTK is an ingredient that has been extracted from the wool of sheep.
This is one of the best sources of functional keratin.
You can also find this ingredient from horns and hooves of animals.
Functional keratin is necessary for the production of collagen and elastin in our dermis.
With more collagen and elastin, our skin remains strong and elastic.
Phytessence Wakame is a type of Japanese sea kelp that hampers the loss of hyaluronic acid.
This is the acid that supplies moisture to collagen proteins.
It is needed to prolong the life of collagen.
Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 is an antioxidant that can protect you from harmful free radicals.
This antioxidant has smaller molecular structure.
It can penetrate deeper in your skin.
Manuka honey is a wonderful moisturizing ingredient.
It locks moisture in your skin tissues.

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