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Premature Ejaculation Control

103 23
Imagine being able to finally truly satisfy your lover in every way possible.
If we are going to be honest right now, you can not satisfy a woman if you can not last long in bed.
In this article we will be going over three different exercises you can do to really enhance how long you last in bed.
I hope you are as excited as I am! Let's start out with the most fun way to prevent premature ejaculation.
Believe it or not, trying new and exciting positions with the woman you love can really enhance the time you last.
Not only does this keep things exciting in the bedroom but it also allows you to find a position that might be less sensitive but just as fulfilling.
There are also some great exercises you can do that will give you more stamina when having sex.
The kegal is probably the most common exercise.
The great thing about this exercise is you can do it any time you want and people won't even realize what you are doing.
If you don't know how to do a kegal, all you do is flex the muscle that you flex when you need to stop yourself from going to the bathroom.
You want to hold that flex for about one minute and repeat.
Another great exercise is called Jelquing.
The jelq is easy to perform, all you do is make an "ok" sign with your thumb and index finger and slowly work your way up and down the penis.

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