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Is There a Link Between Height and Penis Size?

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Of all the myths and wrong notions that surround the penis, this one tops them all.
Like the way you can more or less assess the size of a woman's breasts, hips or legs from the outside by looking at the dress she is wearing, it is nearly impossible to assess the size of the penis from outside, just by looking a man's crotch area.
Of course some guesswork can be done looking at the bulging part of his anatomy, but this is not always possible.
Interestingly, some believe that you can come to an accurate measurement of the penis size by judging a man's other body parts, over and above his height.
These include parts like the size of the nose, ears, hand (from wrist to fingertip) or even his feet.
In this regard there was a study published in the British Journal of Urology International in 2002 where 104 men with feet size between 8 and 13 inches were studied.
It was revealed that there was no link between a man's foot size and the size of his penis.
Though the man's height was not taken into consideration in this study, but the results can always be extrapolated.
A man's bones and muscle content is at par with his height as they have to sustain his body weight as well as contribute to his posture.
The penis however does not follow the same logic.
At the most, you can compare the penis size with the size of a man's nose or ears, which are not associated with this height.
It is a fact that the size of the penis, during the time when the fetus is still inside the womb of the mother is influenced by the same genetic factors that influence the size of a man's limbs.
It is also a fact that there is no direct correlation between the two.
There is several factors which influence the growth of a man during childhood and puberty including genes as well as hormonal interplay.
But it is illogical to presume that the same genes or hormones that help in the body's growth would also influence the size of his penis.
This is a popular myth, the origin of which is unclear.
But then, there would always be some kind of mystery surrounding this important aspect of manhood.
Ultimately, it is up to researchers and scientists to dispel myths of this kind from the minds of people once and for all.

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