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Discover What Causes Age Spots, How to Avoid More and Get Rid of the Ones You Already Have

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Many older people will have age spots primarily on the backs of their hands, shoulders and face but occasionally they can affect younger people in their twenties, thirties and forties.
What causes age spots to appear is too much exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
They are simply a build up of the skins protective pigment that gives you a tan.
Although not harmful, they are not particularly attractive and you would be wise to have your health care provider check them out at an annual physical.
Staying out of the sun will definitely help you avoid getting any more however that is not a practical solution.
Ensuring that you apply a high factor sun screen on a daily basis will help reduce your chances of more developing.
To remove existing spots a specialised cream is necessary, preferably an all natural product will work best.
This product must contain a substance called Extrapone(TM) Nutgrass Root for you to get the very best results.
Extrapone(TM)Nutgrass grows wild in India and has been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years due to it high nutritional value.
It has the natural ability to inhibit your skin production of melanin, the protective pigment, and therefore lighten skin.
It is also useful in reducing the appearance of freckles.
Incredibly this substance also has natural anti aging abilities and so not only can you reduce the appearance of freckles and age spots but your fine lines and wrinkles will also be reduced.
Investing in a lotion for hand, face and body that include Extrapone(TM)Nutgrass Root is by far the very best way to avoid and remove your age spots.
The question of what causes age spots will not come up again for you because you wont have any! So there you have it.
What causes ages spots, how to avoid more and removal of existing ones answered.
If you would like further information on the amazing abilities of Extrapone(TM) Nutgrass Root and many other astonishing all natural ingredients then visit my website, you will be glad that you did.

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