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Should You Tip for Laser Hair Removal

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Laser hair removal customers are sometimes unsure whether or not they should tip their esthetician or hair removal technician after their service. If you are unsure of this, you're not alone. Some people think of laser hair removal as a medical procedure, and I can't remember the last time I tipped my doctor. Others feel that the cost of the treatment does not warrant a tip and some believe that even though it is a spa service, tipping is not necessary. If you have a laser hair removal procedure scheduled for your future, this article will outline some gratuity guidelines that will make the issue of paying less complicated and make you more confident.

First, visit the website of the salon or office you will attend. Most facilities will list their salon/ office guidelines on the site and you can find information on tipping in this section of the site. In some offices there will be signs posted to help you determine whether or not you should tip for your service. Signs that say, tip not required will be posted in salons where it is not customary to tip and signs that say, gratuity not included are prompts to tip your service provider. If the doctor or salon you will attend does not share this information it is more than OK to call and ask if a tip is expected after the service.

Depending on how your state defines this hair removal service you may be visiting a doctor or a salon for the treatment. In most states the procedure is considered medical, and requires that even if you are attending a hair removal salon for the treatment, a doctor must be on staff. Most people do not tip dentists and so if you are visiting a doctor for the procedure it is unlikely that you will tip him or her after your laser session.

Commonly, in the United States, people tip about 15-20 percent to bartenders, hairdressers, and other service providers. For those choosing to use laser hair removal on their legs a typical price in Denver, Colorado is $475 per session and the procedure usually takes at least six sessions. The total cost would be somewhere around $2,850 which would mean a twenty percent tip would require you shelling out about $570. For most, it seems obscene to tip a service provider over 570 dollars when they are already paying almost three thousand for the service, but that is up to you. If your salon or doctor's office does not expect tips it would be more realistic to tip your technician about ten to twenty dollars per session.

Ultimately, it is your decision whether or not to tip.If you feel the service is exemplary perhaps you'll want to show it with a great tip, and that is your choice. Good luck with your laser hair removal sessions!

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