Cold Sore Treatment- Its All About Reading The Symptoms
COLD SORES, common name for Herpes labialis (also known as "Orolabial herpes") is an infection of the lip by herpes simplex virus. In many cases, it causes small blisters or sores on or around the mouth that are commonly known as cold sores or fever blisters. When the viral infection affects both face and mouth, the broader term "orofacial herpes" is used to describe the condition, whereas the term "herpetic stomatitis" is used to specifically describe infection of the mouth. Sores associated with herpes labialis typically heal within 2-3 weeks, & there are several cold sore remedies which can be tried at home but the virus that causes them is not removed from the body. The herpes virus infects and becomes dormant in the facial nerves, following orofacial infection, periodically reactivating (in symptomatic people) to create sores in the same area of the mouth or face that the original infection occurred.
To know the ( sore treatment you have to first understand its cause. There are one-time symptoms you get when you are initially infected with the herpes simplex virus. They are sore throat, fever, headaches and overall flu-like feeling. These symptoms only last about two or three days.
Here is a brief roundup of the main cold sore symptoms.
Your first indication of a possible sore is quite mild and often ignored. This first symptom will be noticeable in the area where you get cold sores. These include a slight tingling and itching sensation.
Your target area may feel dry. If you have lip balm, you will desire to use it.
You are aware that something is afoot beneath the skin. You are right. The herpes simplex virus is at the surface and infecting many cells for the purpose of replication.
Applying ice, or anything cold, at this time will provide comfort. Also, it could discourage the herpes simplex virus - or stop it completely. But if not then you need cold sore treatment.
Some painful, tiny, red bumps will form. Sometimes they are mistaken for acne pimples. Then the affected cells will become swollen with the new virus particles.
Some fever and headaches are common at this point. There are lymph glands under the jaw on each side. Usually the gland nearest the sore will inflame and enlarge as it fights the virus.
Once the cells are full, they are destroyed, leaving a gaping wound. Now your sore will weep a clear liquid because your body tries frantically to wash the virus away.
This can be quite a painful period. Cold sores, oral herpes and fever blisters are created on the end of the nerves. When the sore bursts open, the nerve endings are exposed.
You are very contagious for the entire duration of cold sores, but this is the worst time. The fluid weeping from the sore is absolutely swarming with fresh virus looking for a new home.
Once the sore breaks open, it begins the healing period. You should notice improvement every day now.
Your body will scab-over the wound, and starts to replace the damaged cells underneath. If the scab becomes dry, it will crack when you smile or chew. This hurts a lot, and can slow down the healing process.
To help keep the scab soft and pliable, apply virgin olive oil.
The crust will last approximately a week, depending on your healing speed. When it finally disappears, there will be fresh new skin underneath.
You will notice a redness to the area. This means it is still healing below the skin. There is still herpes simplex virus lurking around - making you contagious until the redness disappears.
Your previously swollen lymph glands should be back to normal now.
The final healing period seems to drag on forever. You are feeling much better and looking OK but are still infectious.
And, if you are not cautious and take suitable cold sore remedies, cold sores can reoccur quickly during this final healing process.
Another cold sore treatment involves the use of lemon balm tea.
These tea bags can be found for cheap anywhere you find specialty teas. If the lemon balm is not "stand alone" but in a blend with other herbs, that will usually be just fine too - as long as lemon balm is the primary.
Doctors explained that the ydiscovered lemon balm herb has anti-viral properties and is a natural cold sore treatment. They took a 16 - 20 ounce container of bottled water, then brewed a strong batch of lemon balm tea using one tea bag per 4 ounces - then froze the tea bags - using these in place of the plain ice cold sore treatment.
There are many other reported highly effective cold sore remedies that you can try. These include tea tree oil, dmso, olive leaf oil, lysine, zinc, yogurt, aloe vera and more. Lysine and zinc do not work well applied directly because the size of their molecules are too large for effective absorption. Lysine and zinc are better used as internal support supplements.
Another great virus killer for surface use is alcohol. It can sting, if you have not numbed it with ice first, but it is the gold standard for keeping a wound clean and reducing infections.
Use a cotton ball or tissue to apply it. You do not want to contaminate your fingers and spread it to someone else or to another location on yourself.
To speed healing even faster, try using some fresh sap from the Aloe Vera plant leaf. Just break off an inch or so of a leaf and apply the sap to the wound. Be sure to use the alcohol, or some other germ killer first. Aloe can heal right over an infection.
Yes - it is quite simple but it is a well proven and powerful cold sore treatment.
With such information in your hand you might as well go in for a free sign up for an alternative therapist at various health information directories like World Wide Health. Certainly you are almost a specialist yourself on cold sore!
To know the ( sore treatment you have to first understand its cause. There are one-time symptoms you get when you are initially infected with the herpes simplex virus. They are sore throat, fever, headaches and overall flu-like feeling. These symptoms only last about two or three days.
Here is a brief roundup of the main cold sore symptoms.
Your first indication of a possible sore is quite mild and often ignored. This first symptom will be noticeable in the area where you get cold sores. These include a slight tingling and itching sensation.
Your target area may feel dry. If you have lip balm, you will desire to use it.
You are aware that something is afoot beneath the skin. You are right. The herpes simplex virus is at the surface and infecting many cells for the purpose of replication.
Applying ice, or anything cold, at this time will provide comfort. Also, it could discourage the herpes simplex virus - or stop it completely. But if not then you need cold sore treatment.
Some painful, tiny, red bumps will form. Sometimes they are mistaken for acne pimples. Then the affected cells will become swollen with the new virus particles.
Some fever and headaches are common at this point. There are lymph glands under the jaw on each side. Usually the gland nearest the sore will inflame and enlarge as it fights the virus.
Once the cells are full, they are destroyed, leaving a gaping wound. Now your sore will weep a clear liquid because your body tries frantically to wash the virus away.
This can be quite a painful period. Cold sores, oral herpes and fever blisters are created on the end of the nerves. When the sore bursts open, the nerve endings are exposed.
You are very contagious for the entire duration of cold sores, but this is the worst time. The fluid weeping from the sore is absolutely swarming with fresh virus looking for a new home.
Once the sore breaks open, it begins the healing period. You should notice improvement every day now.
Your body will scab-over the wound, and starts to replace the damaged cells underneath. If the scab becomes dry, it will crack when you smile or chew. This hurts a lot, and can slow down the healing process.
To help keep the scab soft and pliable, apply virgin olive oil.
The crust will last approximately a week, depending on your healing speed. When it finally disappears, there will be fresh new skin underneath.
You will notice a redness to the area. This means it is still healing below the skin. There is still herpes simplex virus lurking around - making you contagious until the redness disappears.
Your previously swollen lymph glands should be back to normal now.
The final healing period seems to drag on forever. You are feeling much better and looking OK but are still infectious.
And, if you are not cautious and take suitable cold sore remedies, cold sores can reoccur quickly during this final healing process.
Another cold sore treatment involves the use of lemon balm tea.
These tea bags can be found for cheap anywhere you find specialty teas. If the lemon balm is not "stand alone" but in a blend with other herbs, that will usually be just fine too - as long as lemon balm is the primary.
Doctors explained that the ydiscovered lemon balm herb has anti-viral properties and is a natural cold sore treatment. They took a 16 - 20 ounce container of bottled water, then brewed a strong batch of lemon balm tea using one tea bag per 4 ounces - then froze the tea bags - using these in place of the plain ice cold sore treatment.
There are many other reported highly effective cold sore remedies that you can try. These include tea tree oil, dmso, olive leaf oil, lysine, zinc, yogurt, aloe vera and more. Lysine and zinc do not work well applied directly because the size of their molecules are too large for effective absorption. Lysine and zinc are better used as internal support supplements.
Another great virus killer for surface use is alcohol. It can sting, if you have not numbed it with ice first, but it is the gold standard for keeping a wound clean and reducing infections.
Use a cotton ball or tissue to apply it. You do not want to contaminate your fingers and spread it to someone else or to another location on yourself.
To speed healing even faster, try using some fresh sap from the Aloe Vera plant leaf. Just break off an inch or so of a leaf and apply the sap to the wound. Be sure to use the alcohol, or some other germ killer first. Aloe can heal right over an infection.
Yes - it is quite simple but it is a well proven and powerful cold sore treatment.
With such information in your hand you might as well go in for a free sign up for an alternative therapist at various health information directories like World Wide Health. Certainly you are almost a specialist yourself on cold sore!