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Air Abrasion - A Farewell to All Pains

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Haven't there been times when you had to repel away from your favorite candy or chocolate fearing tooth decay? Haven't there been times when you have dreaded going to the dentist fearing the horrendous drilling sounds which makes you feel like you have been brought to a construction site? Have you not wished for a genie to land before you and make you free of all these problems? Congrats! Your wishes have come true..
your prayers have been answered with the invention of the AIR ABRASION! Treating the teeth through air abrasion was first attempted in the 1940s through a commercial mechanism called Airdent.
With more advanced technology and modern raw materials available today, the whole air abrasion technology has been revamped.
It is a technique adopted by dentists today, primarily to remove tooth decay.
And, mind you..
without drilling your mouth! A fine stream of particles which is a mixture of silica, aluminum hydroxide and baking soda is made to go through the dental piece and as soon as these particles hit the decayed tooth surface, the decay is removed.
Then the mixture is oozed out.
Air abrasion systems today are available in many different shapes, sizes and also in various colors.
They come in various funky and cranky designs that complement the room and since the patients are mainly children, it immediately catches their attention and removes their fear.
This technology is a breakthrough innovation and is appreciated by most parents and patients.
It is a comfortable and hassle-free process for them and there is no pain of going through the whole drilling exercise!! The system has been fearlessly used to treat the physically challenged and the pregnant mothers also.
Since the procedure, it does not even require an anesthetic.
As far as the safety of the procedure is concerned, it is fool-proof.
The mixture used in this has been long used in various toothpastes and medicines for teeth whitening and so it is tested and proved to be safe and having no side effects.
Other than tooth decay and filling, this treatment can be used for old composite restoration, tooth bonding, removal all stains or discoloration of teeth, cosmetic procedures like allays outlays and veneers.
It is mainly targeted to the children who find it equivalent to a punishment to be taken to a dentist and have very less tooth decay.
The biggest advantage of air abrasion is that no noise or vibration or heat is generated in the mouth during the process.
And what more..
this treatment does not require an injection so it is a complete bye-bye to all of your disappointments.
It does not damage the health tissue inside the mouth also.
The process is quite simple and fast so many visits to the dentist to cure multiple dental problems can be avoided.
There are also very bleak chances of fracturing or chipping of teeth during this process.
However abrasion is not a panacea to all dental problems.
It does not treat deforms near the pulp of the teeth.
Amalgam or silver based fillings cannot be used in abrasion.
Thanks to technology, people have started charging less for their smiles!

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