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Modern Golf Club Features And How They Can Help Your Game

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In most sports you may find that as time goes by new technology comes about that can help get better performance or make playing the sport easier or give you extra control: Runners shoes, tennis racquets and many other sports equipment have received many benefits from the advances in technology in recent years, one sport in particular is golf.

Golf clubs have come a long way from the days when they were made from hickory wood and these days the distances some of the professional golfers like Tiger Woods can hit the ball are partially down to the equipment they use. Most clubs are now created after months or years of research in testing labs and they are constantly being improved, this could mean that whatever is cutting edge and new today could easily be replaced with a new and improved model within months.

The bulk of the research and developments goes into the club head design with a lot of the features such as grooves on the face of the club and the overall shape of the club head. A lot of the design features are about the weight distribution of the club head, this is important as it can help increase the size of the area on your club face that it is ok to hit the ball with. Hitting the ball outside of this area can lead to the shot going wildly to the left or right making for some truly shocking shots.

As well as the club head the material our golf club shafts are made from can make a big difference to the distance of our shots, usually most clubs come with steel shafts which whilst they are tense and unlikely to bend or twist they are heavy and so may be difficult to swing fast to hit the ball further. These days a lot of clubs have shafts made from graphite or carbon; these are incredibly lightweight whilst also being durable enough to keep their shape and strength.

There are other parts such as the golf grips that get attention from the lab workers but with golf grips they tend to be more aesthetic than performance related although steps to try and ensure they remain still in your hand such as waterproofing and more durable materials can help make them last longer which should help you save some money on refitting new golf grips any time soon.

Make sure you pick your golf equipment wisely and make sure that you only spend as much as you are comfortable with, choosing golf clubs these days means that you can pick from many different clubs with helpful features that can help you hit the ball on target and further down the course.

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