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Homemade Perricone Diet

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    • As soon as you wake up, have between eight and 12 ounces of spring water. For the first meal of the day, have at least three egg whites and an egg with both its yolk and white parts with six ounces of broiled or grilled salmon. You can have half a cup of cooked oatmeal and four ounces of cantaloupe or a quarter cup of berries too. Top off your kitchen-made Perricone Diet breakfast with at least 12 ounces of spring water.

      Another breakfast meal option for this diet can includes a combination of well-cooked oatmeal with pears and seeds of the sunflower, about four ounces of broiled salmon and about 12 ounces of water or green tea with sugar.


    • For lunch, you can have between four and six ounces of grilled salmon or tuna, a couple of cups of lettuce with one tablespoon each of olive oil and lime juice for enhanced taste and no less than four ounces of cantaloupe or a quarter cup of berries. Top off your home-cooked Perricone Diet with about 12 ounces or more of spring water.

      Another optional combination for lunch would be a broiled chicken breast with as much salad as you want. You can have lettuce, tomatoes, onions, olives, peppers to your heart's content. Top off your meal with no less than 12 ounces of spring water or unsweetened green tea.

    Mid-Afternoon Snack

    • For your snack in the middle of the afternoon, the Perricone Diet allows you a couple of ounces of salt-reduced chicken breast pieces or six ounces of non-fat, unsweetened yogurt, four hazelnuts, half of a medium-sized green apple and between eight and 12 ounces of spring water. You can replace this snack combination with a couple of ounces of turkey breast in slices along with half a cup of fresh strawberries.


    • According to Dr. Perricone's recommendation for dinner, you can have between four and six ounces of grilled or broiled salmon, a couple of cups of crunchy lettuce with a tablespoon each of lime juice and olive oil for enhanced taste and a cup of boiled or steamed broccoli, spinach or asparagus. Top off your last main meal of the day with at least four ounces of cantaloupe or a quarter cup of berries and between eight and 12 ounces of spring water.

      You can substitute this entire meal with about six ounces of broiled salmon with any non-cheese powdered dressing of your choice, a fresh green salad with lots of lettuce, tomatoes, onions and peppers. Top off this option with about six ounces of unsweetened yogurt with some fruit like a handful of blueberries.

    After-Dinner Snack

    • If you are feeling peckish before bedtime, the Perricone Diet allows you a couple of ounces of reduced fat, reduced salt turkey or chicken breast or six ounces of plain yogurt, half a medium-sized green apple or pear, between three and four olives or almonds and about 12 ounces or more of spring water.


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