Can Our Diet Help Us to Avoid Breast Cancer?
Is our diet really a factor in terms of acquiring or developing cancerous growths in our bodies? While the actual causes of cancer is still unknown many studies have shown that those who do lead healthier lifestyles could be less likely to develop cancer.
Although this isn't exactly absolute and many would dispute that even those who have strictly followed organic diets remain susceptible to cancer.
Studies have shown how all of us generally do have cancer causing cells in our bodies, and that it is all just a matter of these cells being triggered by various factors including, but not limited to the food that we all take in.
Its been said that increased intake of antioxidants found in natural herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables help in flushing out the toxins that may trigger the growth and development of cancer cells in our body.
Moreover, keeping our immune system healthy and our bodies in good shape will also help keep these cancer causing cells at bay.
However, several other factors may indeed come into play such as our increased exposure to pollutants in the air that we breathe as well as the stress that come with the fast paced world we now all live in.
Moreover, many who have had a history of cancer in their families are said to be at greater risk of developing cancer as well.
Just the same, keeping our bodies healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle do contribute greatly in avoiding cancer.
While we all would definitely like to find ways to avoid cancer from attacking us and our loved ones by healthy living, many medical professionals still wouldn't want us to be complacent.
Physicians would insist that because the exact cause of cancer is unknown, it may actually be difficult to dodge and avoid completely.
Even those who do practice organic diets, are advised to still undergo period examinations to indeed determine whether or not there may be cancer growth in the body.
This is because when it comes to cancer treatments, early detection is always the key.
Whether in men or women, be it breast, ovarian or cervical cancer in women or prostate cancer in men, or brain, lung and bone cancers in general, these can all be adequately addressed and cured with early detection.
For women, ovarian and cervical cancers are detected with annual pap smear.
This procedure is recommended once a year especially for sexually active women.
Breast cancer on the other hand can best be detected with self breast examinations and clinical breast examinations which involve feeling the area around the breast while keeping an arm up to detect abnormal growths and lumps in the area.
Abnormal breast tissue growth can also be detected with a breast MRI or the magnetic resonance imaging.
Irregular tissue growth appear differently and in contrast with normal breast tissue and can thus be detected after several images of your breasts have been produced.
Unlike mammography which exposes the patient to radioactivity and flattens the breasts to detect lumps and abnormal growths, the more expensive breast MRI is less invasive and less painful, making it an option for the early detection of breast cancer.
Although this isn't exactly absolute and many would dispute that even those who have strictly followed organic diets remain susceptible to cancer.
Studies have shown how all of us generally do have cancer causing cells in our bodies, and that it is all just a matter of these cells being triggered by various factors including, but not limited to the food that we all take in.
Its been said that increased intake of antioxidants found in natural herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables help in flushing out the toxins that may trigger the growth and development of cancer cells in our body.
Moreover, keeping our immune system healthy and our bodies in good shape will also help keep these cancer causing cells at bay.
However, several other factors may indeed come into play such as our increased exposure to pollutants in the air that we breathe as well as the stress that come with the fast paced world we now all live in.
Moreover, many who have had a history of cancer in their families are said to be at greater risk of developing cancer as well.
Just the same, keeping our bodies healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle do contribute greatly in avoiding cancer.
While we all would definitely like to find ways to avoid cancer from attacking us and our loved ones by healthy living, many medical professionals still wouldn't want us to be complacent.
Physicians would insist that because the exact cause of cancer is unknown, it may actually be difficult to dodge and avoid completely.
Even those who do practice organic diets, are advised to still undergo period examinations to indeed determine whether or not there may be cancer growth in the body.
This is because when it comes to cancer treatments, early detection is always the key.
Whether in men or women, be it breast, ovarian or cervical cancer in women or prostate cancer in men, or brain, lung and bone cancers in general, these can all be adequately addressed and cured with early detection.
For women, ovarian and cervical cancers are detected with annual pap smear.
This procedure is recommended once a year especially for sexually active women.
Breast cancer on the other hand can best be detected with self breast examinations and clinical breast examinations which involve feeling the area around the breast while keeping an arm up to detect abnormal growths and lumps in the area.
Abnormal breast tissue growth can also be detected with a breast MRI or the magnetic resonance imaging.
Irregular tissue growth appear differently and in contrast with normal breast tissue and can thus be detected after several images of your breasts have been produced.
Unlike mammography which exposes the patient to radioactivity and flattens the breasts to detect lumps and abnormal growths, the more expensive breast MRI is less invasive and less painful, making it an option for the early detection of breast cancer.