How to Make My Penis Longer Naturally? Try Penis Enlargement Exercises!
I was asking the exact same question just a short while ago and I really wanted to have a bigger penis.
My self-confidence was very low and it was very hard for me to be confident in approaching women.
Millions of men have this problem and no matter what anyone says.
The only way you can solve this problem, is by making your manhood longer.
And it can be done and penis enlargement exercises are the most natural way to achieve this.
Are these exercises proven to work? This is the most important question, that I wanted to know, before starting to do these exercises.
And I found out that plenty of medical research had been done about these exercises and the results were amazing.
Penis enlargement exercises really work and they are proven to work, by medical research.
Even medical doctors recommend them to their patients.
How do the enlargement exercises work? The basic principle is the same as muscle building exercises.
When you lift weights in the gym, then it breaks down the muscle cells.
The body then has to grow back new cells, which are bigger and stronger.
This is a natural process.
Penis enlargement exercises work the same way, the only difference is that your male organ contains tissue and smooth muscle, not skeletal muscle like your biceps for example.
So you have to stretch it, to break down the tissue cells and produce bigger, stronger cells.
Obviously it takes some time before you can notice the differences.
For example in my first 2 weeks of exercising, I was able to add 0.
5 centimeters of length and I was very happy with that.
These are expected newbie gains but in general it takes about 3-4 months to gain an inch in length.
It might seem like a very long time but an extra inch in length is a big deal.
You basically add something which wasn`t there before and all of this takes time.
This is the most natural way to make your penis longer.
I can give you a example of an exercise.
Before you begin this exercise, make sure you do the warm-up first.
Simply wrap a warm and wet towel around your penis for 4-5 minutes and then you are ready to begin.
Your penis has to be in a flaccid state.
Use your thumb and index finger to hold your penis head, but role back the foreskin first.
Then stretch your penis forwards as much as you can comfortable go for 1 minute.
Then let go and relax.
After that you do the same thing to other directions as well.
There are a large amount of such exercises to make your penis longer naturally.
I suggest you use this opportunity, because all the effort that you put in, does pay off.
If I was able to add length to my manhood, then surely you can as well.
There is nothing magical about it.
Sure, it might seem very strange to start doing some penile exercises to make your manhood larger.
It seems all a bit silly and weird and it might be a bit silly and weird but so what? If you didn`t happen to win a large manhood with the genetic lottery, then you have two choices: Either be happy with what you have naturally or do something about it! In my opinion it is much better to do something and give it a try.
These penis enlargement exercises are totally natural and safe (when done correctly).
You can do your exercises in private and nobody will even know about it.
My self-confidence was very low and it was very hard for me to be confident in approaching women.
Millions of men have this problem and no matter what anyone says.
The only way you can solve this problem, is by making your manhood longer.
And it can be done and penis enlargement exercises are the most natural way to achieve this.
Are these exercises proven to work? This is the most important question, that I wanted to know, before starting to do these exercises.
And I found out that plenty of medical research had been done about these exercises and the results were amazing.
Penis enlargement exercises really work and they are proven to work, by medical research.
Even medical doctors recommend them to their patients.
How do the enlargement exercises work? The basic principle is the same as muscle building exercises.
When you lift weights in the gym, then it breaks down the muscle cells.
The body then has to grow back new cells, which are bigger and stronger.
This is a natural process.
Penis enlargement exercises work the same way, the only difference is that your male organ contains tissue and smooth muscle, not skeletal muscle like your biceps for example.
So you have to stretch it, to break down the tissue cells and produce bigger, stronger cells.
Obviously it takes some time before you can notice the differences.
For example in my first 2 weeks of exercising, I was able to add 0.
5 centimeters of length and I was very happy with that.
These are expected newbie gains but in general it takes about 3-4 months to gain an inch in length.
It might seem like a very long time but an extra inch in length is a big deal.
You basically add something which wasn`t there before and all of this takes time.
This is the most natural way to make your penis longer.
I can give you a example of an exercise.
Before you begin this exercise, make sure you do the warm-up first.
Simply wrap a warm and wet towel around your penis for 4-5 minutes and then you are ready to begin.
Your penis has to be in a flaccid state.
Use your thumb and index finger to hold your penis head, but role back the foreskin first.
Then stretch your penis forwards as much as you can comfortable go for 1 minute.
Then let go and relax.
After that you do the same thing to other directions as well.
There are a large amount of such exercises to make your penis longer naturally.
I suggest you use this opportunity, because all the effort that you put in, does pay off.
If I was able to add length to my manhood, then surely you can as well.
There is nothing magical about it.
Sure, it might seem very strange to start doing some penile exercises to make your manhood larger.
It seems all a bit silly and weird and it might be a bit silly and weird but so what? If you didn`t happen to win a large manhood with the genetic lottery, then you have two choices: Either be happy with what you have naturally or do something about it! In my opinion it is much better to do something and give it a try.
These penis enlargement exercises are totally natural and safe (when done correctly).
You can do your exercises in private and nobody will even know about it.