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My Personal Thoughts on Modern Toys For Babies and Toddlers

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There are two ways of looking at this subject.
First off I can understand the purpose for modern toys with all there busyness, and colours and lights and sounds, this does stimulate babies to interact with the toys, and yes it can be educational and it prepares our babies for this overly technical world we live in today.
However I have a stronger belief in the "old way", I think we are losing our roots and along with them the things that were once thought to be important values.
When a child is given a simple toy to play with, say a wooden train with some very primary colours, and this toy makes no noise and does not operate on batteries, you will find that the child will surprisingly be very entertained.
It is not only from the toy in its self it is that child's own imagination that is entertaining him.
I really believe a child who is given only basic toys, will develop a much stronger creativity and imagination as well as many other "values".
These children are less likely to become bored if they are not being over stimulated, they will be more likely to create something to do with themselves when they are bored and less likely to sit in front of the television, computer or video games, they will pay closer attention to detail, they will focus better, listen better, learn better, and will be able to handle being alone with their thoughts as an adult.
I watch the new generations having a very hard time doing this, they have always got to be busy, being with someone or being stimulated by some outside source as apposed to being inspired by themselves and their thoughts.
So if you want my opinion I say cut back the busy, modern "educational" toys and get your child some good old fashioned wooden toys, allow them to discover their education and their world rather then having it drilled into them by some mechanical voice that miraculously comes from a plastic box with lights and colours and strange images all over it and tells you a cartoon picture of some funny looking thing is a pig and makes the sound "oink".
Please! this is far too much stimulation for a little child so new to a world that's already so full of so many things.
And to learn all those text book things that the modern toys are teaching kids, try these few simple things, sing your child the alphabet yourself, point out that pig in a story book or at a local farm, make that "oinking" sound yourself when you point it out, I bet you'll get a giggle from them, it's fun and they're learning.
Children need to interact with their world (not just toys) and it doesn't take much for us to help them do that.

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