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Hair Health,Hair Loss : Health & Medical

Prevent and Cure Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss in women can be somewhat traumatic and discouraging for a woman's self confidence. But then, there are ways to prevent and cure hair loss in women....More...

4 Types of Hair Loss Treatment Revealed by Experts

Hair loss has become a major problem for both men and women alike. There are several causes of hair loss and at the same time there are several hair loss treatments too but all the treatments may not suit you and you will have to take a decision in consultation with your doctor. So read about the di...More...

Hair Loss Product Reviews Worth Considering

In using a product, the consumer measures its value based on various criteria. Promises, cost, method, ingredients and packaging are some contributing factors prior to use. After usage for the pre-defined period of time, he or she then judges the results and comes to a conclusion on whether expectat...More...

Loud Machines & Ear Problems

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) can occur as a result of one-time exposure to very loud noise or repeated exposure to elevated noise levels. Machines in the workplace can produce levels of sound that can cause hearing loss. Sound is measured in decibels (dB), a measure of sound pressure. An "A-wei...More...

Why Is Grape Seed Extract For Hair Growth Effective?

There are many health benefits of using natural supplements, but did you know that using the grape seed extract for hair growth is one of the safest and most effective substances you can use? Whether you suffer from a genetic disease that causes you to lose your hair, or if you suffer from alopecia ...More...

How Useful Is Olive Oil For Hair

The use of oils for hair is a tradition that has its roots in the old times. From time immemorial, oiling of the hair is considered a very beneficial idea to make one's hair long and healthy ...More...

Thinning Hair In Women - 3 Main Causes Identified

While thinning hair in women is not nearly as common as male hair loss, it nevertheless can cause acute anxiety when it happens. An understanding of the hormone connection can help allay fears as often thinning hair in women is just temporary. This article identifies 3 main causes....More...

Why Use Tanning Bed Lotion?

Indoor tanning allows people to tan all year long and keep up with their bronze tan. Tanning bed lotions should always be used, as there are several benefits a lotion can offer while tanning....More...

Diabetes Can Lead to Hair Loss in Women

As hair loss can be a warning sign of diabetes; it should be regarded seriously.The body's circulatory system is affected by diabetes and decreased circulation means that there is improper functioning of affected body parts. If the scalp has poor blood circulation, growth of hair and hair folli...More...

Taking a Vitamin For Hair Loss

If you have hair loss problem, you should not feel that it is the end of the world. There are many treatments and supplements that you can use to help slow down the loss of hair. Taking a vitamin for hair loss is also recommended by many hair experts, as it is one of the most practical ways to deal ...More...

How to Make Body Hair Less Noticeable

Unwanted or thick body hair is annoying and at times, embarrassing. The easiest solution is to completely remove the hair. Though you can do this with laser hair removal, the easiest way is at home every couple of weeks with over-the-counter products. Dealing with the problem at home saves money and...More...

Beard Growth Could Start a Whole New Orchard Industry

With this product, it is most important to apply it correctly and diligently every day, twice a day. There is the possibility that at first you may experience even more hair loss than usual, but not to be concerned as this is part of the beard growth process. When you experience your hair re-growth,...More...