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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical
Eye Strengthening Exercises To Improve Eyesight
If the eyes do not get enough nutrients they get overstrained and become irritable. The blood supply to the eyes is reduced. All these finally affect the eye vision. Youngsters suffer from the vision problem because of lack of proper and healthy diet....More...
Are Your Emotions Making You Sick - The Seven Emotions That Can Destroy Your Health
Have you ever heard of someone having a heart attack after they've won the lottery? You've probably realized that your emotions can make you sick, but do you know why? ...More...
Glucosamine chondroitin Sulphate for the treatment of your joints
Cartilage matrix should be performing in a better way through proper lubrication of glycosaminoglycans so that joints can perform in good perspectives but things can go wrong when the amount of glycos...More...
Low Ammonia Diet for Those Dealing With A1298, NOS, SUOX and CBS Mutations
Going on a lower ammonia/protein diet can often be beneficial for those dealing with many health conditions. Certain Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which affect metabolic pathways, can lower levels of BH4 making it difficult for the body to detoxification and cycle ammonia through the body....More...
Cure For Nail Fungus - Treatments You Can Use At Home
Nail fungus can affect both your fingernails and your toenails. However, the toenails are the most likely target because your shoes provide the perfect environment for this fungus to thrive. The problem with nail fungus is that it is very hard to get rid of. That is why it is important that you find...More...
Green Living Succeeds Better By Using Green Medicine
Applying green medicine to help you maintain your health is a good idea even if you are not an advocate of green living. Green medicine is revitalizing the natural abilities of your body to mend ... ...More...
Adopt an Active Lifestyle With Yoga for Health
Yoga for health has been the most discussed topics for the past few years. Quiet a lot of experts have cropped up with their own unique style of yoga. In reality, yoga has in all ... ...More...
How Do You Get Rid Of A Backache Naturally And Effectively?
At present, thousands of people are suffering from back pain due to physical reasons. If left untreated, this health disorder can cause permanent movement disability. Injury, old age and illness are three main causes reported ... ...More...
Homeopathy At Its Best For Hair Fall Disorders
90% of the people suffering from hair loss have its root cause to be an internal anomaly. Homeopathy herein, plays a promising role treating the root cause to cure hairfall....More...
Know more about hypnotherapist Sydney
Every disease has a treatment that is perfect and sometimes lasts long. But people are fed up of eating pills, capsules and powders. They are looking for a healing process that is natural, has no ... ...More...
Complete Information On Amyloidosis With Treatment And Prevention
In medicine, amyloidosis refers to a kind of conditions in which amyloid proteins are abnormally deposited in organs and tissues, causing disease. Different amyloidoses can be systemic or organ-specific. Some are inherited, payable to mutations in the forerunner protein....More...
Heal Your Life, Start With Small Steps
Yoga has become one of the fastest rising areas in the world. A mega studio, the Pure Yoga, is the newest addition to the field of yoga....More...
Fast Treatment For Piles
Many sufferers can spend years on and off coping with piles. Not only are they painful and itchy, they can also bleed profusely at times. This is without doubt a very embarrassing condition to have and many people search needlessly for cures and try many which do not work. The reason why many do not...More...
The Solfeggio Tuning Forks, Weighted and Unweighted
The Solfeggio tuning forks are available with or without weights. The unweighted set is used around the body and by the ears. The weighted Solfeggio is used on the body and by the ears. Either set will work emotional healing and personal awareness....More...
Botox Alternative Cosmetics and Serum Now With Better Results
Botox is the costly therapy which is widely used in many countries. This is a fast but unhealthy process of getting skin beautiful and shine. Botox alternatives are widely introduced by the skin specialists and ... ...More...
Home Remedies for Bleeding Gums - Lessen Food Decay
Bleeding gums is the result of unhealthy dental habits, such as when food particles left in the teeth are not cleaned, and the teeth are not brushed or flossed. The food leftovers decay, causing toxins, ... ...More...
How To Treat Yeast Infection By Using A Home Remedy
The genital area is where the majority of yeast infection victims are generally affected but it can also affect a lot of alternative areas of the body including the mouth, between the toes and in any skin folds. Yeast Infection produces extremely red-colored skin breakouts which can be really painfu...More...
Biofeedback Treatment & Voice Disorders
Biofeedback in voice treatment involves the use of an external device--often a video monitor--to feed patients real-time, physiological information about their own voice production that is normally unapparent to the patient. The patient is then trained to interpret the information and to stabilize u...More...
Discover The Victory Of Dapoxetine Over Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation can be defined as a sexual dysfunction where the biological disorder created inside man's body pushes him to confront with a before time ejaculation than the normal defined period. This condition has been ... ...More...
Naturopathy Tips
Naturopathy is a broad term for a form of health care that uses natural methods and substances to cure illness. The goal of naturopathy is to prevent disease and heal the body without the use of standard allopathic medications. By assessing the body from a holistic perspective, a naturop...More...
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