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Medicine : Health & Medical

Hot or Cold – What Do I Use?

You are hurt, your back or neck hurts, you have sprained a wrist or ankle or you have pulled a muscle – what do you do? Do you put ice or a heating pad on the area of concern?...More...

How to Purchase an Electronic Health Record System

Helping your organization to purchase an electronic health record (EHR) system requires careful analysis and preparation. Vendors offer a wide variety of systems, and most systems are customizable for organization needs. In addition, you'll need to consider regulatory and compatibility issues befor...More...

Cost Of Chiropractic Care Vs. Medical Care

The rising medical costs has lead to an increased appreciation for chiropractic in the health care field in the past few years because of its low cost in providing more efficient results than other traditional medical procedures....More...

Allegra drug

Allegra is a prescription medicine which is used for the treatment of seasonal allergies....More...

Where to Order Cheap Medication for Diabetes

More and more people are buying their medications on the internet because they don't want to spend much time travelling to their nearest drugstore or caring to worry about waiting on the queu...More...

Symptoms Of Coeliac Disease

Available evidence suggests that symptoms fall equally into two broad categories. In some cases, they can arise directly from the effects of gluten on the small intestine, such as diarrhoea or abdominal fullness, discomfort, pain and vomiting. The remainder, however, do not experience these specific...More...

Expert Liposuction

Even with rigorous diet and exercise, stubborn fat deposits can persist on the body – on the arms, abdomen, thighs, hips, flanks, etc....More...

Some New Cures for Enlarged Prostate Conditions

As far as the new cures for enlarged prostate go, there are two frequently recommended options: medication and surgery. If the prostate enlargement is not yet alarming, doctors would normally prescribe medication first....More...

Leafy cabbage lot of usage

From long years cabbage is used as a precious medicinal valuable leafy herb. The Egyptians ate cabbage with vinegar before a night of drinking to prevent hangovers. Cabbage is still today considered o...More...

Get Treated by the Specialists

Diabetes is a major concern among young and old adults these days. There are also young children suffering from this disease. Diabetes needs treatment and care. Though there are medicines that can lessen diabetes, there ... ...More...

Tuberculosis (TB) Part 3

Patients should remain in isolation until sputum becomes smear-negative; however, patients ordinarily should not be kept in the hospital for the sole purpose of providing isolation, Special arrangements are necessary for patients who live with children, individuals infected with HIV, patients return...More...

Believing In Rosacea Treatment To Be Effective

The skin condition characterizes as redness in different regions of the face. The common place is the cheek, but the inflammation can also spread to the forehead, the ear lobes, the neck, the scalp, a...More...

Are You Addicted to Drugs?

Do you remember when we were kids we did not take pills for anything. In fact, we did not have medical insurance, we had hospitalization insurance. We got rest and drank fluids. Maybe we had some chicken soup, and the doctor actually made house calls....More...