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Men's Health : Health & Medical

How to Do More Pushups

There are a few plateau-busting strategies that I teach to increase the amounts of pushups a person can do. The first method I teach to increase your one set rep max is to simply max out every workout...More...

Is Natural Male Enhancement Your Best Option?

In the words of Sarah betcha! But, lets discuss why natural male enhancement is your best option. First of all safety is key. There are so many unscrupulous penis enlarging companies marketing all kinds of products from creams to pills to cheap dangerous penis extenders that you have to....More...

Weird Penis Tricks - World Records, Party Feats and More

The male equipment has a pretty straightforward purpose, and most men are happy to limit their activities to its intended uses. However, the men described here have taken things a bit beyond the norm with these weird penis feats and world records....More...

How Well Do Male Enhancement Pills Work?

While watching TV, listening to the radio, or surfing the Internet, you are likely to see and hear advertisements promoting the use of various brands of male enhancement pills. With the increase of male sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation and low sperm coun...More...

How To Find and Buy Kratom Online

Phytoextractum is dedicated to researching and sharing knowledge about Kratom and other exotic plants that are gaining attention in the mainstream media. Our organic, research-based methodologies help...More...

Some Tips on Controlling Ejaculation

Controlling ejaculation is a part of a happy and fulfilling sex life. Achieving an erection is not difficult with most men, especially at the beginning of puberty and on through the early 20s....More...

Erectile Dysfunction Exercises

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual problem among men in America. As men get older, they sometimes lose the power to get erect. This is caused by many things including poor diet, genetics, lack of exercise and even tension....More...

Increase Penis Length and Drive Her Wild

After years of trial and error, disappointment after disappointment, I finally found a way to increase the length of my penis without using pills, patches, extenders or pumps. To find out how I did it, read on......More...

Male Enhancement Products

Male enhancement products offer men a sustained erection plus increased penis size and sexual desire. These days, through the use of male enhancement products, many men, and their partners, have breathed new life into their sexual life....More...

Top 5 Herbs That Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally!

After testing hundreds of herbs and supplements over the last 10 years, I've discovered 5 that are the most effective at boosting testosterone levels.Use all 5, and cycle them regularly so you don't build up a tolerance, and you'll be well on your way to boosting your testosterone lev...More...