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Nutrition : Health & Medical
Aspartame: A Dieters Friend? Think Again
Aspartame is a subject of scrutiny and controversy. As a nutritionist, it is unbelievable to me that there is even a discussion as to whether or not aspartame is dangerous. In my opinion, aspartame is...More...
Eating for a Healthy Heart - part 1
The key to healthy and enjoyable meal is having a basic understanding of nutrition.The knowledge of food gives you control and allow you to make good choices about how you eat, as opposed to what ... ...More...
The Challenge of Staying Healthy While Living Overseas - Part One, Food Safety and Nutrition
Anyone who lives overseas has no doubt suffered through the obligatory stomach problems that come along with the cost of moving fees and airline tickets.New foods, cultural eating customs, unsafe water, parasites and unsanitary conditions are fast tracks to frequent doctor visits. In this 3 part ser...More...
Health Benefits of Mulberry - How Can This Fruit Help to Improve Your Health?
As waistlines across the world continue to expand and get bigger, more people are looking for ways to help in their own weight control. Some people have opted to change their diets, eliminating all of the fattening food they normally consume and instead replacing it with better, healthier options. O...More...
Tips on Your Homemade Colon Cleansing Diet
The whole concept behind colon cleansing is quite simple. The colon is the one organ in the human body that's able to positively or negatively affect every other organ in the body, and in order to keep your colon clean, you need to have a proper colon cleansing diet. There are a number of diffe...More...
Liquid Vitamin Supplements - Liquid Glucosamine - Doctors Formula Liquid Vitamins 433
Liquid liferestrict all the essential nutrientsrequired by your body.This enhancement contains some , electrolytesand vitamins.Liquid life contains minerals derived from the TRC plant...More...
Best 5 Post-Workout Snacks
So you walk in the door from a hard-core, vigorous workout at the gym and the minute you walk past the kitchen, those cravings start up. The fact is that you should be eating a snack or a meal after you workout, depending of course on what time it is when you get home. After a workout, your body nee...More...
How To Choose Foods To Obtain A Healthy Body
Choosing the right food to eat helps you a lot to be able to eat nutritious foods. The food you eat determines the amount and quality of energy your body has....More...
Foods That Burn Fat - How They Scorch Away Fat
Do you want to know how foods that burn fat actually works? You will know after reading this article. You will also learn how to use this info to help you lose some fat....More...
Jack Lalanne Stainless Steel Power Juicer
We all know you're supposed to get 3 servings of fruits and vegetables per day and that juicing is a great way to make this happen. If you're going to buy a juicer you should consider getting Jack Lalanne's power juicer....More...
What is Resveratrol
The excitement surrounding Resveratrol is understandable. Having the capacity to deliver cardio-protective and chemo-protective properties are not simple health benefits that you can find on food nutrients. In demonstrating promising results to recent laboratory tests in promoting overall well-being...More...
Benefits - Grapefruit and Apple Cider Vinegar
Grapefruit is a bitter fruit, but is extremely popular due to its abundant health benefits, hence is a common breakfast table fruit. Usually made from fermented ripe apples, apple cider vinegar is usually used to marinate meat and fish. However apart from being a good marinating agent, it helps in c...More...
Why You Should Favor Healthy Dessert Recipes
If you have kept yourself up to date with what is going on around the world, I'm sure you are aware that we are currently facing a health epic. Research has shown that there has been a 95% increase in the number of teens who are obese and suffering from various diseases. The main cause to indiv...More...
Krill Oil Supplements & Health Benefits
Krill oil is the extract that is taken from the tiny pink crustacean that thrives in cold water regions. Among these regions Antarctica produces some of the purest krill that is obtainable. This marin...More...
Could the Problem Be We Just Do Not Care What We Eat?
I was surprised when I read this report of a survey done by the USDA. Their findings were not what I expected. I hope that the next time they do a survey like this that the results are much better. They should be....More...
Nitric Oxide - A Powerful Signaling Molecule
Nitric oxide is a highly reactive gas that is naturally produced in the human body. It affects various physiological functions including circulation, inflammation, learning and memory, digestion, penile erection, and oxygen release in tissues from red blood cells....More...
Improve Your Eating Habits in 7 Simple Steps
Do you want to improve your diet? Do you want to lose weight and improve you health? You can feel and look better by following these 7 simple steps to better eating habits....More...
Why is Nutrition Much More Important Than Diets?
So many people talk about diets... but forget about nutrition, here we will discuss some of the dangers of diets and how they can hurt you. Helping athletes achieve their best performances and helping clients achieve their fitness goals such as fat loss and weight loss is my duty as a sports perform...More...
Eat Healthy, Lose Weight !
Do you struggle to lose weight? Do you want to drop a few more pounds, or a hundred ? Yes, sport and exercise is very important, but your diet control is also a fundamental aspect of your success. Hav...More...
Fun Facts About Vitamin C
What do you know about vitamin C? Most people know it is found in oranges, and that in the past was touted as the vitamin to help cure colds... but do you know what the real story is?...More...
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