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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical
Cash Is King!
Paying cash for purchases is one of the more liberating things an adult can do. You want something, you buy it, you forget about the transaction and (hopefully) enjoy whatever it is you bought. Employers want to know you make great decisions with your money before they give you theirs....More...
Make your Future Bright with the Canadian Scholarship Program
Getting a scholarship is not an easy job. Thousands of students apply for scholarship, out of which only the special and bright ones are chosen in reputed universities. A University plays a very important role ... ...More...
Staying Positive is Easier If You Take Care of Your Own Energy Needs Before the Needs of Others
Are you a person who tries to take care of everyone else's needs - often before and instead of taking care of your own needs? Every once in a while, that works out, but if you do this on a consistent basis, it takes a significant toll on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. R...More...
An Efficient Way To Personal Growth
There is a way to grow and expand and resolve issues on your mind that is simple, efficient and relatively unknown.This way will hardly take a moment out of your day. I can personally vouch for the fact that what tends to occur is above and beyond many ways I know for creating excellence, happiness ...More...
Some Simple Tips to Be More Present
In our multi-tasking culture, it's easy to lose your ability to sit presently in the moment, to fully feel and embody what you are doing. After all, we prize the ability to distractedly do a half dozen things all at once....More...
Discover 3 Vital Personal Attraction Keys
Discover the 3 strongest qualities for building personal attraction. Use these qualities in any area (business, family, interpersonal relationships, etc.) to enhance relational attractiveness. Learn how to become more magnetic while relating to others!...More...
How Do Online Weight Loss Programs Work
Engage in some physical activity. Doing a cardio work-out can do wonders to trimming down your belly. Before you get your muscles working, the very first thing that you should perform is to empower the mind.My weblog Trim Down Club Reviews...More...
Three Simple Ways to Experience More Joy, Fulfillment and Happiness
In all the years that I have been working with solo entrepreneurs and my coaching clients, I€m always amazed at how many of them believe that making a lot of money will bring them more ... ...More...
Managing Your Anger In Positive Ways
Anger is as natural an emotion as happiness, jealousy, and sadness, but its power to destroy others as well as our own well-being makes it unique in the pantheon of human experience. Most of us don't "like" to feel angry, and those feelings often well up within us when we least expect...More...
The joy of Ubong Willie about to become sorrow, as God steps in through TB Joshua....More...
Pebbles of Wisdom
It's not easy to face old habits to change.Most of us don't do it until we are up against the wall.But once we do, we realize the rewards are will worth the pain....More...
Dr. Wayne Dyer - 22 Lessons I Learned
Dr. Wayne Dyer is a popular motivational speaker and author. His recent books include The Power of Intention, Ten Secrets For Success & Inner Peace, Getting in the Gap and Everyday Wisdom. Ive been studying Dyers principles for the past 22 years and here are the top 22 lessons Ive learned from him:...More...
Oriental Religious Concepts: Moksha - Liberation of Soul, Seeing God, And Reciting His Name
There are a variety of Oriental religious concepts: (a) Moksha, liberation of soul is the goal of life, (b) Reciting God's name is enough for Moksha, and (c) See/meet God and you are saved. In addition, there are the usual guidelines on behaviour to attain Moksha if we control the 5 senses. Wha...More...
Choosing Your Character - Step 1
Does your character just happen? Or is it purposeful? Do you have any control over it? Or is it innate, already inside you? Think about the people of high character you admire--did they purposefully build ... ...More...
Is Porn Addiction That Big of A Deal?
There seems to be two polarized sides in the conversation of porn addiction. The conservative side of the conversation that wants to ban all forms of nudity, and the liberal side of the equation that argues that consenting adults should be able to express themselves however they choose. But there is...More...
Advertising and marketing Accounting Services To Car Body Retailers. Unreported Marketing
In truth, with all of the enterprise options on the market, any customer getting difficulties communicating with a vendor will basically go on to other chances available.Taking part in "difficult to get" might be an ... ...More...
Your First Step to Success - Eliminate Inner Obstacles
To succeed at a change you need to learn to overcome inner obstacles by addressing them courageously and with determination. Obstacles are not your enemy, but are there to help you learn to stand your ground and succeed at what you want. Have the gut to overcome whatever your obstacles may be and yo...More...
Ants to Grasshoppers
We have a great new energy that has opened up to us with the recent Lunar Eclipse/Grand Cardinal Cross of June 26, 2010. A new ray of sunshine is beaming its invitation into our Hearts and minds. Now all we need to do, individually and collectively, is to harness and use that sunshine to transform o...More...
Law of Attraction - The Magic Way to Use the Law of Attraction to Create Miracles
If you have tried using the Law of Attraction, you have probably noticed that sometimes you get the results you want, but at other times you are not so successful. There is a magic tool that can help you reach your goals. Chances are, you already have the tool - you just need to choose it, and then ...More...
Set Dynamic Goals
What are dynamic goals? They are goals that come complete with action steps....More...
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