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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

Thoughts To Ponder #11

A collection of inspirational quotes by Deepak Chopra, a medical doctor and contemporary writer on spirituality, synchronicity, holistic integrative medicine and Ayurveda....More...

Light the Way

The girls in the prison reformatory were all gathered together in the cafeteria. Today was special, for a lady known to them only as the "See'er" was to pay them a visit, which for them ... ...More...

7 Easy Steps to Meditation

It's a well known fact that meditation can help us all in so many ways. Stress of all types is the biggest killer but the question remains,'How do I stop thinking about those things that are rolling around my mind'? causing stress, depression, anger the list just goes on. Just have a ...More...

Make the Law of Attraction Work With Personal Power

Movies such as "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do We Know" have attempted to teach people about the power of the mind and thoughts. Many have seen these movies, read the latest books on the "law of attraction," and attended seminars on manifesting and positive thought ...More...

How To Supercharge Empowerment Into Your Life

Understanding Inner Empowerment and applying it to your life will take you to a different level of Control over conditions around you. You'll quickly discover how to live a life where you set conditions to suit your perceived outcome. Being empowered allows you to embrace the path that leads to...More...

Your Experiences Shape Your Actions or Reactions

Your view of the universe is predominantly determined by your experiences. It is when you are caught off guard by the spontaneity of existence that you are most apt to respond authentically, even when your feelings do not align with the majority....More...

Do Power Affirmations Really Work?

Recently I responded to an email that posed the question, "How well do these affirmations really work?"Below is the response that I sent the person who asked the question.There are a number of important points that will be helpful to others, so I'm reprinting the information.Here it i...More...

How To Quickly Cure Social Anxiety Symptoms

Social anxiety disorder brings on a range of distressing symptoms, which fortunately, can be easily controlled. This article examines the causes of the condition and shows you ways to combat it....More...

Explanation of the Parable of the Mustard Seed and Yeast

Parables are what they are, parables. They are stories whose meaning is not in the story itself but alongside them. The word "parable" comes from two Greek words, "para" which means "beside, alongside" and "ballein" which means "to throw". In other w...More...

Gambling Addiction: Don't Lose Grip On Reality

Compulsive and problem gambling is a problem that, left unattended, can ruin the life of any gambler and those close to the gambler. Like other addictions such as alcohol, smoking, or drugs, gambling addiction is a psychological disorder that impairs a persons ability to make good decisions. ...More...

Find a Volunteer Opportunity or Mitzvah Project

Volunteering is excellent but some kids want to generate real cash for tzedakah so they can contribute in a tangible way. Of course it's hard because kids don't have much earning power at age 12 or 13....More...

Are You As Stressed As This Doctor?

Do you ever think, very fleetingly, about retiring early? You do the sums and come to the conclusion that you have to work until you are sixty-five because of the heavy financial commitments you have. On the other hand you wonder what you'll find to do with yourself. because work is everything....More...

Magic Pill Society

if you look around at our society you will quickly see a very concerning phenomenon that has been arising in the last couple of decades. This ongoing idea is getting stronger and stronger and people have started believing it and accepting it as the absolute truth....More...