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Tag: rehabilitation-center
5 Ways to Improve Your Social Life As an Adult
Every milestone in your life comes with meeting new people. As you get older, it can be harder to make and maintain friendships than it was when you were a kid. As a child, you ... ...More...
A Shocking New Revelation About Your Genes
The prevailing theory used to be that genetic information flows in only one direction: from the DNA to the body. Essentially, your genes tell your body what to do, and your body complies. However, recent discoveries in genetics have revealed a much different picture. You're not merely a servant...More...
Create Your Top 10 "Top 10" Lists to Jump-Start Your New Year
Top 10 lists are a quick-glance on a range of topics from Hollywood's best dressed, to current events, to travel destinations and ideas for consideration on personal growth. As the year comes to a close and the New Year kicks-off, it's a great time to get out a notebook or journal and crea...More...
3 Steps to Organize Your Mind Closet
Your mind is working constantly, and out of the almost 60,000 you have per day (that's roughly 3600 per hour), only about 15% of those thoughts you even remember or are conscious of! This means that most of the day your thoughts go unchecked, unnoticed, and uncared for, and they are allowed fre...More...
Five Ideas For the New Year
The beginning of the year is a typical time to read these types of suggestions. In many ways we ascribe a special significance to the beginning of the year as a time to proactively do things to improve our future. These actions are just as relevant whenever you may be reading (or re-reading) this - ...More...
Surviving Stress in a Call Center
Stress in a call center is a given.When a plain little stress ball is not enough, try making Dammit Dolls for the people you work with....More...
The Healthy Way to Multi-Task Instead of Scattering Your Energy
Too often, we pile on more work day after day, accepting new projects (because who else will do it if you don't), adding more to your To Do list and trying desperately to keep everything running smoothly. If you are in business for yourself or working more than one job to make ends meet, you kn...More...
How Can You Feel Sexy When You"re All Stressed Out?
Sure, I know, there's work, and working out, and eating right, and the economy, and relationship struggles, and, and, and,... and then if you have kids, there's even more. What a balancing act! Sometimes it's ... ...More...
Insights on Abundance - How to Connect With Abundance When You Don"t Know What to Do Next
Have you ever been so confused and stumped that you don't know what to do next? Read and apply the tips in this article to learn how to connect with Abundance when you are feeling this way....More...
Being Your Very Best
The very best in their homes love simplicity, in their hearts love what is deep, in their words love what is true, in friendship love what is gentle. The very best in their world love what is peaceful, in government love what is orderly, in deeds love what is right, in actions love what is timely....More...
Opening the Mind to Awareness!
Our minds are wonderful! There is so much more to life when we become Aware! Life grows from the mundane aspects of the material world into the spiritual aspects of Awareness when our minds become open. How can we achieve this? What is the meaning of Awareness? Read on........More...
How Raising Chickens Can Teach The Benefits Of Mindful Meditation And Help You To Focus On Solutions
How raising chickens can bring about human personal development as we struggle to understand their world from the limitations of beliefs and morals we set in our mind of how things should be. They invite us to step out of our limited boundaries into unexplored dimensions, to focus on solutions rathe...More...
Do The Right Thing
We all know what is the right thing to do in most situations, if not all. Yet doing the right thing is the hardest thing to do especially when it has negative consequences. If we all do what is right ...More...
Top 5 Success Habits That Will Guarantee Your Success
Do you want to be successful? If you do, this will be the right place for you. What you have to do is to adopt these 5 success habits into your life. You have to understand that success is a journey and not a destination. Therefore, what you do everyday will determine the results you create in your ...More...
Intuition is Connection
Intuition is that quiet, powerful inner knowing of your truths. Connection is a relationship to a larger whole....More...
Clear Your Clutter - Manifest Your Dreams!
What have we all got in common? All of us have clutter - and all of us have dreams! Find out how you can use the clearing of one to get closer to the other!...More...
Conscious Effort - Subconscious Change - Making a Conscious Effort to Create a Subconscious Change
Remember when you were a kid and they asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up? You were so full of hope, and you felt you could do anything. Remember the feeling of that dream to be a firefighter, pilot, policeman, nurse or doctor? You pretended to be putting out fires with your imaginary w...More...
Life Coach Training Information For All
It is always a good idea to consult with the experts to receive life coach training so that you are getting the best possible. Coaches should no trouble helping their client find a healthy balance in ...More...
Becoming Empowered - Tough Times, Tough People
Tough times do not need to leave you fearful and depressed. They also are an opportunity for growth.Discover three keys for thriving in the face of adversity....More...
How a Low Self-Esteem is Developed
What does self-esteem truly denote? In plain phrases, self-esteem is a feature of the way we perceive ourselves. It is different from self-image since self-image is solely an external representation of who you are; it ... ...More...
Change Management Training: Eight Steps to Change
If you want to institute change management training in your workplace, here are eight essential steps for you. The first thing is to increase urgency and inspire your employees to move....More...
The First Step to Success: Positive Self-Efficacy
The power to believe has a tremendous impact on the ability to perform. Positive self-efficacy basically involves a person's belief in their own ability to perform a certain task. This article discusses self-efficacy; how it is formed naturally and how one can create positive self-efficacy skil...More...
Secret on How To Be Smarter - Be A Student Of Life
A powerful and easy-to-implement secret on how to be smarter in life. You can even start right now....More...
Yet Another New Year"s Resolution
With so many New Year's resolutions that you hear about, I hope you haven't forgotten to make one in the love department? If you are single and available you may want to get help in finding that elusive partner....More...
Don"t Assume "They" Are Organized
One of the biggest mistakes we make is assuming other people are organized. Since over 60% are disorganized, odds are the other person is NOT organized. Here are some suggestions on how to work assuming others are not organized....More...
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