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Fastest Way to Tone Thighs

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    Cardiovascular Exercise

    • The fastest exercise you can do to lean down all over is cardiovascular exercise. This includes running, walking, jogging, biking, swimming, dancing and basically anything else that involves getting your heart rate up and your body moving. The important thing to remember is that cardiovascular exercise is the quickest method to burn calories. When you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight and tone your whole body, including the thighs. A great leg-toning cardiovascular exercise is climbing stairs. You get the benefits of calorie burning cardio with leg-sculpting weight training at the same time.

    High-Intensity Interval Training

    • High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is another version of cardiovascular exercise that can help you blast fat and torch calories off your body in the shortest amount of time possible. HIIT exercises never last more than 30 minutes total and can help you tone your thighs fast. HIIT involves doing periods of high-intensity work, such as sprints, for a certain amount of time, with an equal ratio of recovery time, or less if you are in shape enough to handle it. HIIT is challenging, but you will see results fast if you test yourself with this difficult workout. HIIT workouts can be done on a treadmill, with a jump rope, on a track or with no equipment at all.

    Strength Training

    • Building muscles in your thighs is imperative if you want to tone up your legs. When you gain muscle in your legs, you will blast fat away and also decrease the appearance of flabby fat or cellulite in that area. If you are trying to tone up your thighs quick, aim to do at least 45 minutes of strength training 5 to 6 days per week. Include exercises such as squats, lunges, one-legged squats, step-ups on a bench and hip raises. Consult a personal trainer if you are feeling very desperate to learn how to tone up thighs quickly, but know that it probably took you years to get your legs in bad shape, and getting them back into good shape isn't going to happen overnight.


    • Diet is another important component of toning your thighs fast. You will need to cut out all processed and chemically refined sugars and foods that are unnatural to your body and can make you gain weight. This includes foods such as chips, pizza, french fries, candy, sodas (even diet sodas are processed and chemical-laden!) and sugary cereals. Upgrade your diet by incorporating lean protein such as chicken and fish, healthy fats such as almonds or avocados, complex carbohydrates like whole grain breads and brown rice, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Also be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, as water will help keep you hydrated and flush excess toxins out of your body.


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