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Taurine In Energy Drinks

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The History of Taurine In some ways, taurine may be the miracle drug that society is seeking.
After exhaustive search, taurine turns up no negative connotations.
It's existence has been known for nearly two centuries and everything about it points to perfection.
Seriously, the taurine story is fascinating, to say the least.
No wonder we find something like taurine in energy drinks and that's a very good thing.
Taurine is named for Taurus the Bull Taurine originates from the word Taurus, which roughly translates to bull or ox.
It was named as such because German scientists Leopold Gmelin and Frederich Tiedemann discovered it within Ox bile in 1827.
Popular folklore attributes taurine to a compound found in bull testicles, but historically that is incorrect.
Vitamin B complex activates taurine in energy drinks Taurine is an amino acid that is produced naturally in the muscle tissue of animals and humans.
One of the main functions of taurine is to control muscle contractions and it can be very beneficial in reducing muscular stress and tension.
When ingested it is activated by B complex vitamins.
This is why virtually all energy drinks contain B complex vitamins such as B3, and B6.
The modern history of taurine in energy drinks dates back to the early 1960's Taurine came into prominence in 1962 when a Japanese chemical manufacturer created a drink called Lipovitan D for their employees.
The drink was created in order to keep the employees alert when working overtime.
Taurine was a key ingredient and little did they know that it would be the staple of energy drinks more than fifty years later.
Taurine is very important to the whole human physiology For the heart, the eyes, and the nervous system to function correctly Taurine is essential.
It has also been found to have antioxidant properties and can reduce toxicity levels in the human body.
Taurine may also be beneficial in reducing blood sugar levels and obesity.
Scientists are busy testing and experimenting with this naturally occurring substance.
In one test it was reported that people who ate seafood and meat had much higher levels of taurine than people on a vegan diet.
In addition, another test concluded that taurine may help rejuvenate damaged hair follicles and be effective as a skin moisturizer.
Physically active people need taurine Active people like athletes, runners, and weight lifters probably benefit the most from taurine in energy drinks.
Taurine works to lower stress levels and help cardiovascular functions return to normal rates after strenuous activity.
Click Here to discover more information about how you can benefit from Taurine and B vitamins.

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