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3 Features to Examine Closely Before Buying An Adjustable Dumbbell Set

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Adjustable dumbbells are a must for any home gym or workout room. They not only save you a ton of space, but there are a ton of workout programs that use dumbbell exercises to help you tone up and get in shape.

But when buying a set, there a few things to keep in mind. Below are a few features to look out for when choosing an adjustable dumbbell set.

Speed of weight change

Another factor depending on what you're looking to accomplish is the speed at which you can change weights. Some adjustable dumbbell sets are faster than others when it comes to this. Some like PowerBlocks use a pin system, and others like BowFlex SelecTech utilize a dial system that allows you to simply twist the dial to change to the desired weight.

If you're looking to do fat loss style workouts with little rest between sets, using several different levels off resistance, a speedier change may be what you're looking for. On the other hand if you're doing more of a traditional body part style workout a fast change may not be necessary.

Do you need a rack?

Most adjustable sets offer a rack at an additional cost. There a couple sides of this as well. First, if your back gives you problems, the rack may be necessary as picking up heavy weights from the floor may be tough. On the other hand, if storage is a factor and you'd rather slide them under your desk or set them in the closet, you can skip the rack. If anything, work on getting the actual dumbbells so you can start your workouts, then order the stand at a later date, if needed.


One of the first things to keep an eye-out for is the poundage that comes with your initial set. There are two to sides to this. Obviously you don't want something too light that you'll grow out of in a month, and on the flip-side you don't want to overpay for a ton of weight that you don't need. Your best bet is to think about what your looking to accomplish whether it be fat loss, building muscle, or simply toning up, then determine from there what dumbbell set fits you best. A few sets allow you to purchase additional weight should you find yourself needing more weight as you get stronger.

Click my link below for in-depth reviews of the top adjustable dumbbell sets.

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