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Video: How to Make Elegant, Roman Women's Hairstyles

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Video Transcript

Hi, I'm T. Cooper. I'm a New York City makeup artist, hairstylist and co-founder of beauty and grooming Company, Metro Look. Today, we're going to talk about a question one of you recently asked which was how do I do an elegant women's Roman hairstyle. We're going to turn her to the side and get started. For this you are going to need lots and lots of pins and we're going to grab our teasing comb out. So I'm going to tease her hair, grab my hairspray, give it a tease. We just want to create some volume in the front, even though she has plenty, we want to give it just a little kick of a little bit more and we're just going to tease. I like to go in about maybe six or seven times. Okay, so we're going to grab some hair from right underneath the crown but more towards the middle and we're going to take it from someplace that can easily be covered so I think this will be good. So what we're going to do now is we're going to take this hair and we're going to braid it. That's why I just grabbed two clear elastics because I'm going to use the clear elastics to seal the braid but if you wanted to you could actually go in with your hairspray and a small tooth comb and tease the bottom and it should be fine. So now I'm at the bottom, I'm going in with my clear elastic and I'm going to seal it off and I'm going to do the same thing on the other side. I'm taking some hair from right underneath the crown and I'm going to braid that as well. So now with leaving these two braided pieces out, I'm going to grab all this hair, I'm going to work it back and as I'm working it back I'm going to spray it just so that it wants to go this way, just so that it kind of stays put and I'm actually going to twist it and I'm going to take bobby pins and pin into that twist and it actually looks really cool, see? You can't tell it's going back into a ponytail without it actually being a ponytail and these two guys right here, we grab them and put it around here almost like it's a crown so I'm actually going to pin it into the middle and then pin the end and since she's got so much hair, I'm going to tuck it underneath so you don't even see it. Then I'm going to repeat that process over here with this guy. I'm going to take it and I'm going to grab it right over here and I'm going to crisscross it in front. So I'm tucking it underneath so you don't see the end where the rubber band is and I'm just going to pin it right in the middle and then here we have, and I'm just going to pin this end over here too because it's a little bit unruly. Then you can just like adjust it, put it wherever it is you want and then you are all set, you've got an elegant Roman updo. I'm T. Cooper and thank you for watching. Bye.

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