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What Is Bone Augmentation Surgery

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Facial beauty is all about symmetry and balance, and most people simply are unaware of how the different features of the face affect one another. There are so many people having faces more attractive and enticing than others. The reason behind is bone structure of the face. Our face is the main underlying factor in determining a large portion of beauty. Most facial cosmetic procedures, such as facial fillers and tightening surgeries, don't address the overall structure of the face at all. Bone augmentation is also an important surgery which can greatly enhance a person's bone structure.Jaw bones are designed to hold the teeth in place, but when that bone is attacked by periodontal disease or a person loses a tooth, the bone begins to deteriorate. In those situations, Dentists combat the harmful effects of bone loss through bone augmentation procedures. Bone augmentation adds extra bone to necessary areas to compensate for the lack of structure.
Bone augmentation can be performed on almost any patient. If a patient do not have perfect health or don't have enough stability in the body to be able to recover properly, then a dentist will not perform this surgery on patient.A common situation requiring bone augmentation is a patient who lost a tooth several years ago and wishes to have a dental implant and crown put in the missing tooth's place. Because the area has gone untreated for a length of time, the bone typically has begun to deteriorate. Real or synthetic bone is put in the area to strengthen it, enabling it to support a dental implant.Upon thorough assessment of the teeth, the dentist will evaluate the type of implants needed as well as where and how many to put on the newly created bone. The bone typically comes from the patient's own chin or other bone sources existing in the body. If dentists are unable to get enough bone from either of these areas, they may have it harvested from the hip or shin instead. The hip is thought of as a good source because it contains plenty of marrow filled with bone-forming cells.The dentist numbs the area and makes an incision in the gum where the implant will be placed to determine the amount and type of bone needed. An incision is made in the area where the bone will be harvested and a block of bone is removed. Some dentists fill this area with a different type of bone-graft material and cover it with a membrane to prevent soft tissue from filling the space as it heals. The incision then is sutured.Bone augmentation is a delicate dental surgery. So you have to choose an expertise dentist for this purpose. Brighton Implant Clinic or bone augmentation London is well known dental clinic in London region. They are expert in dental implant and bone augmentation treatment.

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