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How to Use a Hunter Universal Crimping Tool

104 37
    • 1). Place the string nocks onto the bowstring and push them up to the arrow line. The string nocks are small metal rings where the arrow is placed. Use the 90-degree point of the draw -- when the string is pulled back -- as the point to place the first nock. Go 1/8 inch below the first for the second nock.

    • 2). Draw the string back and use the 90-degree point of the draw -- when the string is pulled back -- as the point to place the first nock. Go 1/8 inch below the first for the second nock. Do not dry-release the string; gently bring it back to the neutral position -- the slack position -- on the bow.

    • 3). Place the jaws of the Hunter Universal Crimping Tool over the nock. Use the appropriate cradle size in the crimper. The nock should fit into the crimper cradle as a semicircle on either side of the jaws. If the crimper jaws are too tight on the nock, use the next larger semicircle notch down the jaws. If the nock is too loose, go up one cradle on the crimper jaws.

    • 4). Squeeze the crimping tool jaws closed, tightening the nock onto the string. Repeat with the second nock. Squeeze firmly and slowly. Going too fast may cause unwanted bends in the nock rings.

    • 5). Release the jaws and remove the crimper from the string.


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