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How to Braid a Bolo Tie

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    • 1). Cut 2 lengths from both colors of yarn, each a yard long.

    • 2). Hold the 4 yarns with ends even and tie them together in a knot 6 inches from one end.

    • 3). Attach a safety pin below the knot. Arrange the lengths of yarn so they alternate colors: brown, blue, brown, blue.

    • 4). Bring the outside, rightmost blue yarn behind the 2 inside pieces, and fold to the right over the inside blue yarn.

    • 5). Bring the outside, leftmost brown yarn behind the 2 inside blue yarns, and fold to the left over the nearest blue yarn. Pull tight.

    • 6). Repeat Steps 4 and 5, pulling the rightmost right yarn behind the 2 innermost yarns and the leftmost yarn behind the 2 innermost yarns as described to make 25 inches of braid, leaving a short tail unbraided at the end.

    • 7). Tie the yarn in a knot 6 inches from the end. Thread 1 bead over the 4 yarns. Tie the yarn in a knot below the bead.

    • 8). Trim the unbraided ends to 1 inch. Remove the safety pin. Thread the other bead over the 4 yarn lengths that do not yet have one. Knot and trim the ends as described in Step 7.

    • 9). Paint the bolo slide blue, and dry on newspaper.

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      Spray with acrylic sealer. Let dry.

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      Fill the back side of the slide with glue, let cool.

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      A bolo used as a hatband.cowboy girl image by Jarek Miarka from

      Apply small amount of fresh glue over the center of the hardened glue, and place the slide on the hot glue. Position the slide on braid.


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