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How to Make Your Own Football Gloves

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    Taping for Support

    • 1). Extend your hand in front of you with the palm facing away. Wrap the pre-tape around the thumb three times. Without separating or ripping the pre-tape continue down to the wrist and wrap it three times. After the third wrap, separate the pre-tape on your wrist from the pre-tape roll and repeat these steps for your other hand.

    • 2). Wrap the athletic tape around the pre-tape on your thumbs and wrists. Wrap the athletic tape in the same fashion as the pre-tape. Wrap the tape tightly enough to be supportive but not so tight circulation is cut off or movement is severely restricted.

    • 3). Wrap tape in between the knuckle joints on each finger for extra finger support. Tape these areas tightly because they may become loose during a long game.

    Protection and Grip

    • 1). Put canvas gloves on over your taped hands and wrists. Secure the gloves by taping the open base of the gloves to your already taped wrists. Tape the gloves tightly so they do not come off during the game.

    • 2). Spray the grip spray on the palms of your gloves and in between the fingers.

    • 3). At halftime, respray and retape your gloves to ensure they are effective for the last two quarters.


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