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A Simple Rash or Eczema? Find Out the Differences

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Very often the word eczema is erroneously used to cover a number of dermatological conditions, from atopic dermatitis all the way to psoriasis.
The word eczema could cover everything from dandruff to diaper rash.
Here we are going to look at various kinds of eczema:
  • Dyshidrotic Eczema
  • Nummular or Discoid Eczema
  • Eczema herpeticum
Dyshidrotic Eczema - Palmoplantar Eczema Dyshidrotic eczema is one of the rare kinds of eczema and manifests on the palms of hands and the soles of the feet.
The word "dyshidrotic" means bad sweating, and that was once thought to have been the cause.
It may look like a rash at first, but tiny blisters or pustules -called vesicles - cover the affected area and then the skin thickens and lesions or cracks appear, and is very itchy.
It often gets much worse in warm weather.
When it appeared on the hands it was dubbed "housewife's eczema" probably because it was thought to be brought on by housework and it may well have been brought on by being in contact with detergents and cleaning products.
Dyshidrotic Eczema is an extremely itchy form of eczema and occurs with fluid filled blisters that occur on the sides of the fingers and/or feet.
The blisters first appear as tiny beads but join together to form a rash.
Then the blisters weep and ooze pus.
Nummular Eczema Nummular eczema is chromic skin condition that causes stubborn, itchy rashes that forms coin-shaped patches on the skin.
The central lesions eventually clear then become scaly, often looking like ringworm of psoriasis.
Nobody knows what causes nummular eczema, very occasionally it may be a reaction to a medication, and is more common in the winter.
Cortisone ointments are often prescribed for this condition, but they only alleviate the symptoms and cannot cure it.
Eczema Herpeticum Eczema herpeticum is a complication of some common skin conditions and is caused by a viral infection that gets into the pre-existing skin condition.
It is extremely rare but very serious and the patient should be taken the emergency room immediately.
It usually starts with atopic dermatitis but not always, but the culprit is the herpes simplex virus - the same virus responsible for cold sores.
It starts out as a rash of small blisters with strange concave indentations with the rapid onset of fever and a general feeling of sickness.
If not treated immediately these blisters, or vesicles, become filled with pus and burst and bleed.
If your dermatologist suspects you have any type of eczema, he will do a simple patch test, which will show if you are sensitive to any household chemicals or common metals such as nickel.
Eczema takes many forms and it is difficult to answer the question what does eczema look like, without illustration and photos.
However, if you need further information about the treatment of all the different kinds of eczema, please see below.

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