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The Only Answer to Successful Weight Loss is to Eat a Healthy Diet

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Nutritionists are asked more questions about weight loss than any other topic.
There is also a plethora of information available on the subject, but still obesity is increasing at an alarming rate.
Ian Marber, the Uk's "Food Doctor" believes that the answer is simple - we don't know how to eat! The vast number of books on weight loss, ensure that we know how to diet, but do we know how to eat a well balanced nutritious diet that not only keeps us generally healthy but also helps us to maintains a healthy weight? Unfortunately over the years many of us have developed bad eating habits, for some people these eating habits will result in gaining weight whereas for others it may result in an underlying health problem.
These habits may be due to a lifetime's poor nutrition or could be due to emotional and other behavioral issues that must be addressed first.
The main aim of any weight loss program is to re-educate the person regarding their eating habits.
People need to be taught how to eat a healthy diet.
This sort of education must start in our schools and the schools need to be a shining example of what they are teaching, by ensuring that the meals provided for the pupils at lunch time are healthy and nutritious.
Over time this sort of education will infiltrate family life and healthy eating will become the norm.
So how can we avoid the pitfalls of following a weight loss regime that doesn't provide a well balanced healthy diet?
  1. Avoid diets that promote restricted food intake, especially if they advocate eating just one or two specific foods per day
  2. Avoid any diet that cuts out certain food groups, such as fat from the diet.
  3. Be wary of diets that promote "high this" or "low that".
  4. Ask yourself if this is a healthy well balanced approach to eating and is it a healthy diet you could follow for the rest of your life.
  5. If the diet promises too much and seems to be too good to be true, then it probably is!

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