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Healthy and Smooth Pregnancy With Prenatal Yoga Practice!

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Now a day, prenatal yoga is becoming more popular and is essentially practiced by pregnant women for its health benefits. It is a way to ensure a healthy and smooth pregnancy. The term ‘yoga' refers to a Sanskrit word "union" it means "to join." The aim of prenatal yoga is to unite the body, mind and spirit through poses, breathing exercises, and meditation.

Prenatal yoga has five fundamental tools: yoga exercises, mudras, meditation, breathing exercises, and deep relaxation techniques. These tools when practiced regularly can provide benefits to you and your baby's health as well as increases your ability to have natural and easy childbirth.

Yoga exercises works efficiently on the organs of the reproductive system as well as on the pelvis to make sure a smooth pregnancy and easy delivery. At the subtle level, the prenatal yoga exercises guarantee a good supply of blood as well as essential nutrients to the developing fetus.

Mudras are one of prenatal yoga tools. Mudras are hand gestures with psychophysical stimulation, which provides powerful effects on your reproductive organs when practiced regularly.

Meditation is a therapeutic tool that helps overcome the feelings of anxiety, depression, worries and clashes that are very common for pregnant woman during pregnancy. Meditation provides an unbelievable awareness that helps you bond with your child in a strange way.

Breathing exercises are powerful techniques and practicing them during pregnancy provides sufficient oxygen supply to you and your growing child. The breathing exercises of prenatal yoga increases your body fitness during and after pregnancy.

Deep relaxation techniques of prenatal yoga are very effective for pregnant woman during pregnancy. These techniques help provide physical and mental relaxation. Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep) is a deep relaxation technique, which is effective mainly during pregnancy for childbirth preparation.

During prenatal yoga, as a pregnant woman, you may feel more difficult in balancing yoga asanas because of a change in the center of gravity. So, here are the points to keep in mind while practicing prenatal yoga. Never lay down flat on your back once you reach twenty weeks of pregnancy.

Lying on the abdomen is safe in early stages of pregnancy, but it becomes painful in the later stages if you are with breast tenderness.
Forward bending asanas help ease the backache of pregnancy. However practicing these asanas in the later stages of pregnancy causes nausea because of increased abdominal weight. Also, avoid standing asanas for long periods since it leads to dizziness.

Drink plenty of water in the hours before your prenatal yoga class. Always use additional pillows, pads or blankets (if necessary) to increase the support during prenatal yoga.

As a pregnant woman, you get warm easily. So, make use of fans or air conditioners (if necessary) during warm weather.

On the other hand, it is highly recommended not to practice prenatal yoga if you are with pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), an incompetent cervix, constant vaginal bleeding, episodes of premature labor, or any serious medical conditions. Also avoid prenatal yoga if you are carrying multiple babies. Visit Pregnancy Zone

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