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Permanent Drug Detoxification

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    Cleaning Up

    • The first step for anyone who is looking for a full and permanent detoxification is to stop using any drugs. In some cases, such as mild alcohol or smoking, this can be done by simply giving up a drug and not using it anymore. In other circumstances, such as with more addictive or harmful drugs like opiates and amphetamines, it would be a better option for the user to seek professional help. Once the withdrawal period is complete and all of the harmful side effects have passed, it will then be time for that person to find a way to flush the toxins from drug use out of their system.


    • The first step in permanently detoxifying a former user is for that person to consult with a physician. Speaking with a general practitioner is a good first step, and if they don't have the answers their patient needs then he can recommend a specialist who can help. However, when discussing the matter of drug detoxification its important for the user to be as completely honest about their use and history as possible. Depending on the type of drug used by the patient, in addition to the frequency of that drug's use, a doctor may prescribe different methods of detoxification.


    • It may not be possible to remove all traces of drug use from a person's body. Most products and methods which are billed as permanent drug detoxification only remove traces of a drug from the patient's blood and urine. Many people will use these detoxification methods in order to remove traces of drugs from their system before taking a test for employment. However, even if the blood and urine are cleaned of toxins and residual chemicals from drug use, there are other places in the body that may act as a record of previous drug use. This includes skin cells, liver cells and hair, which are not purified by any permanent detoxification method currently available.


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