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Natural Treatment for Rough Calluses on the Feet

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    Foot Scrub

    • A home remedy to try is to soak, scrub and slough the feet. Begin by soaking your feet in warm water. Add a bit of sea salt to the water. Use a body scrub and washcloth to scrub the heels and calluses. For really rough calluses, use a damp pumice stone to scrub the calluses. Finish with a moisturizing foot cream.

    Petroleum Jelly

    • Petroleum jelly can add and seal in moisture for callused feet. Right before bed, use a pumice stone and warm water directly on the calluses. Dry the feet, then slather on the petroleum jelly, concentrating on the calluses. Put socks on and sleep with the petroleum jelly on your feet. Wash it off with soap in the morning. Do this two to three times a week for soft, smooth feet.

    Chamomile Tea

    • Soothing chamomile tea can soften and smooth even the roughest calluses. Brew two cups and dilute it heavily with water. Soak your feet in this mixture for up to 30 minutes. After rinsing it off with soap and water, apply a thick body butter directly to the feet.

    Witch Hazel

    • A beneficial natural treatment for rough calluses is a combination of witch hazel, wintergreen oil and black walnut tincture. Put it directly on the feet or soak the feet in the mixture. While it is on, use an emery board directly on the callus. After using the emery board on the calluses, wash the mixture off the feet.


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