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How to Pawn a Ring

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    • 1). Make sure that you want to pawn your ring, because once you do it will be very difficult to buy it back for the same price. If you change your mind and want it back, you will have to pay more for it so that the pawn dealer still makes a profit on the transaction. Also, the ring may be gone by the time you want to retrieve it.

    • 2). Take you ring to a jewlery shop to have it cleaned. A clean ring may be more attractive to a pawn dealer and therefore fetch a better price.

    • 3). Have your ring appraised by a professional jewelry appraiser. You can often find appraisers at jewelry shops. If desired, have the ring appraised by more than one professional so that you have more than one opinion. Record or remember the value of the ring so that you know what to expect before you try to sell it.

    • 4). Visit more than one pawn shop with your ring. Either offer a price or let the pawn dealer offer a price. If you offer the price first, you can give a price higher than the ring is really worth so that there is room for bartering. If the pawn dealer offers a price, you can either take his or her price or try to negotiate a better price. If you are not satisfied with the offer, consider taking the ring to another pawn shop and comparing the prices offered.

    • 5). Sell the ring and ask for a receipt from the pawn dealer to prove that he took your ring for the amount of money that he or she gives to you. Count your money in front of the pawn dealer to be sure that he or she did not make a mistake and give you the wrong amount.


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