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Get Ripped With Martial Arts Fitness Secrets!

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Martial arts fitness! There are really few substitutes for the level of fitness you can achieve through studying self defense arts.
What a good program delivers is aerobic conditioning, strength, and suppleness.
Not to mention intangibles like improved self esteem, and the ability to defend yourself.
You can get all of this and more from martial arts fitness.
So, what should you look for in a martial arts fitness program? Honestly, after having studies combative arts for years, the first thing you need is to feel comfortable.
This might sound weird, after all isn't studying this stuff all about being tough? Yes, but you learn toughness better in a welcoming environment.
So, if you check out a combative arts school and everyone's got a big ego that they're trying to defend, then leave.
That's not the place for you.
Self defense and self defense fitness is best learned through an open environment.
What should be the components of martial arts fitness? Well, first off your martial arts program should address the main components of human fitness, strength, flexibility, and stamina.
If you're missing on any of these, then your program is not going to give you what you're looking for.
One questions I get a lot of is this...
should you workout outside of the dojo.
Absolutely you should.
But the best workouts are not what you might expect them to be.
To more perfectly complement your martial type arts fitness, you should have workouts that focus on anaerobic, as opposed to aerobic conditioning, and also on bodyweight exercises as opposed to weight lifting.
These types of ancillary workouts will complement your classes the best.
You want speed and strength, not bulk.
The types of workouts that promote bulk are heavy, low rep weight lifting.
This should be avoided.
What you're looking for in martial arts fitness is increased muscular endurance.
Basically the ability to do a strenuous exercise or movement many times.

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