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Over the Counter Morning Sickness Cures

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    • Ginger has long been used as a means for settling the stomach. It's been found to significantly reduce nausea and vomiting among pregnant women. You can buy ginger in the form of a supplement; if you do, consume 350 mg per day for up to three weeks. Vitamin B6 is another supplement that has been proven to help with morning sickness. Fifty mg twice a day is the standard dosage. You can find both of these supplements in one capsule with Baby's Bliss Morning Sickness Magic.


    • Emetrol is a standard liquid nausea medication that can be taken to alleviate morning sickness. This is the only medication specifically for nausea that has been approved as safe for pregnant mothers. It comes in cherry and lemon mint flavors and contains the active ingredients dextrose (glucose), levulose (fructose) and phosphoric acid.


    • Unisom is a medicine that aids in sleep and may offer relief from nausea and vomiting as well. Its active ingredient is doxylamine. Use caution with this medication, as it causes drowsiness. With any of these medications, consult your obstetrician/gynecologist first to make sure that she approves the medication for you specifically. Also, when possible, try non-medicinal remedies first. These include eating small frequent meals and munching on crackers or toast first thing in the morning before you get up.


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