Dental Implant Bone - Bone Grafting and Growth in Dental Implant Procedures
In order for a dental implant to be successful the bone has to be strong enough to hold it.
This isn't always possible so an alternative is for a bone graft to be done so it can grow and fill in the gaps that have emerged.
The most common area where this occurs is in the upper molars because of the sinus cavities.
The bone used for a dental implant has to come from one of two sources - either from another area on the person getting the implant or from a donor.
There are several different methods used for successfully completing the dental implant bone process.
In many cases some of the original bone can be stimulated so it will start growing again.
There are several different types of bone that can be used for a dental implant bone procedure.
Autogenous bone is self produced and taken from another place on the bone such as the chin or the hips.
Block bone grafting involves taking a piece of bone from the body and implanting it.
This generally happens when the current bone is very weak.
This dental implant bone may need to be in place for up to six months before the tooth implant can be added.
In order to stimulate bone growth there has to be a barrier introduced so tissue won't be able to irritate the bone and hinder the growth process.
Tissue is the number one reason why dental implant bone procedures aren't always successful.
An allograft dental implant bone comes from another person, generally a dead person who has donated their body for various procedures.
A xenograft is a bone that comes from an animal.
Cows can be used for such dental implant bone needs in some instances.
Regardless of the source though there is generally several months of healing that have to occur before the bone is secure enough for the tooth to be added.
The process of bone expansion involves using tools to pull the jaw bone apart in the area where the dental implant bone is going to be inserted.
Since this bone is thicker and stronger the implant should be able to be added to the bone immediately.
If this isn't possible then an alternatives to install plates to line the bone that is weakened.
A dental implant bone procedure is lengthy and expensive.
This is a type of surgery that can take significant time and care to recover from properly.
Make sure this is only done by a qualified dentist They should explain each of your options to you so you can decide what type of dental implant bone procedure you want to have done.
However this is a viable option to help you be able to keep your original teeth and to keep your gums healthy.
This isn't always possible so an alternative is for a bone graft to be done so it can grow and fill in the gaps that have emerged.
The most common area where this occurs is in the upper molars because of the sinus cavities.
The bone used for a dental implant has to come from one of two sources - either from another area on the person getting the implant or from a donor.
There are several different methods used for successfully completing the dental implant bone process.
In many cases some of the original bone can be stimulated so it will start growing again.
There are several different types of bone that can be used for a dental implant bone procedure.
Autogenous bone is self produced and taken from another place on the bone such as the chin or the hips.
Block bone grafting involves taking a piece of bone from the body and implanting it.
This generally happens when the current bone is very weak.
This dental implant bone may need to be in place for up to six months before the tooth implant can be added.
In order to stimulate bone growth there has to be a barrier introduced so tissue won't be able to irritate the bone and hinder the growth process.
Tissue is the number one reason why dental implant bone procedures aren't always successful.
An allograft dental implant bone comes from another person, generally a dead person who has donated their body for various procedures.
A xenograft is a bone that comes from an animal.
Cows can be used for such dental implant bone needs in some instances.
Regardless of the source though there is generally several months of healing that have to occur before the bone is secure enough for the tooth to be added.
The process of bone expansion involves using tools to pull the jaw bone apart in the area where the dental implant bone is going to be inserted.
Since this bone is thicker and stronger the implant should be able to be added to the bone immediately.
If this isn't possible then an alternatives to install plates to line the bone that is weakened.
A dental implant bone procedure is lengthy and expensive.
This is a type of surgery that can take significant time and care to recover from properly.
Make sure this is only done by a qualified dentist They should explain each of your options to you so you can decide what type of dental implant bone procedure you want to have done.
However this is a viable option to help you be able to keep your original teeth and to keep your gums healthy.