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Anti-Aging Supplements: What"s New?

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Did you awaken one recent morning, take a look in the mirror, and beside that it's finally time to pull out all the stops in your fight against aging? If you answered that question, "Yes!" you'll probably be more than interested to learn something about the latest entries in the anti-aging products market. They include two unusual little berries, and a compound found in the skin of red grapes!

Goji Berries

Red Goji berries, from the Himalayas of Tibet and the Ningxia province of China, have been used in traditional Eastern medicine for thousands of years. The wisdom of this use has only recently been verified by Western medical research.

That research established the remarkable antioxidant properties of the goji berry, which contains significant amounts of both Vitamin C and caretonoids. Goji berries, in fact, have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants of all food yet studied.

Antioxidants are Mother Nature's most powerful weapons in the battle against the free radical damage which is responsible for so much of the aging process. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals before they can cause cellular damage. People who either eat Goji berries, get them in juice form, or take Goji Berry powder supplements report that they look and feel younger, and sleep more soundly.

Acai Berries

Deep purple Acai Berries are harvested from palm plants which grow in the along the rivers and in the wetlands of South and Central America. The native peoples of those areas have long appreciated the health benefits of these delicious little berries, eating them fresh in their salads or adding them to granola and even ice cream.

Because fresh Acai Berry fruit begin to deteriorate soon after they are harvested, however, sharing their wonderful health benefits with people outside of the regions where they grow was not possible until very recently. Processing plants now freeze the Acai pulp, juice the berries, or make a freeze-dried powder on-site before shipping their products to markets around the globe.

The reason that a global market for Acai now exists is that research has discovered its enormous nutritional properties. While the antioxidants in Acai provide health benefits similar to those of the antioxidants in red grapes, they have a far higher antioxidant concentration.

Acai berries, in fact, have been clinically tested and rated as having the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food yet researched. Adding aside berries to your diet could lower your cholesterol, improve both your digestion and cardiovascular health, and possibly even reverse diabetes.

Consuming Acai will provide you with additional fiber in the essential fatty acids that can keep your skin smooth and elastic, dramatically improving its appearance!


Resveratrol, a compound naturally occurring in the skin of red grapes, Resveratrol is believed to be responsible for many of the health benefits that beverage provides.

Getting your red wine resveratrol as a dietary supplement, however, will guarantee you a far higher dosage than you could possibly get from drinking moderate amounts of red wine.

Clinical research done on human cells has shown that resveratrol can slow the rate at which those cells age, significantly increasing their lifespan. Taking resveratrol on a regular basis will enable your skin cells to age more slowly, so that you'll look young for a much longer time. And you can even get a resveratrol cream to boost your anti aging results.

With these two amazing berries and resveratrol, you can jump start your anti aging program more powerfully than you once believed possible!

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