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Why Am I So Fat That It"s Going to Kill Me?

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Why am I so fat that it is going to kill me? According to calculations, on April 22, 2041, I'm going to die.
That's it, no more time with my family and loved ones.
I have about a billion seconds before I check into the great fat farm in the sky.
How about you? So, I'm spending some time doing random searches the other day and I ran across a website entitled "Death Clock" or something like that and it's this website, with a software program, that asks for your birth date, height and weight.
I think it asks if you're a smoker, male or female and with the accuracy of your local life insurance underwriters actuarial table, can predict your exact date of expiration.
As an added bonus, you even get a really cool little count down clock with a skulls head image; counting down your remaining time conveniently right there on your desktop.
I didn't notice if I could get the toolbar download or not.
I guess I'll just have to do without it for the time being.
Thirty more years, roughly, if I'm somehow able to slip through the cracks of the 2012 doomsday, but hey, one calamity at a time here! I actually view this sort of stuff as a good thing.
A reminder that even though it may seem like it sometimes, we are NOT going to just go ahead and continue to live, forever.
Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to be reminded of that once in awhile.
Maybe I would do a better job of getting on the stick and thinking a little more about what kind of legacy I'm going to leave behind.
Even more importantly, maybe I could make a stronger effort to take better care of my body and exercise more.
Why am I fat anyway? It wouldn't hurt me to put in a little more effort on the fitness.
I could certainly eat a few less cheeseburgers and get along just fine.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention being overweight, is identified as having a body mass index of 25 or higher, very serious health risks increase and include issues such as:
  • Liver and Gallbladder disease
  • Stroke
  • Coronary Heart disease
  • Endometrial, Breast and Colon Cancers
  • Type 2 diabetes
This is only a partial list of some of the complications of how just being flat out, fat, can kill a person.
Some experts believe, that excess weight can also be caused by built up fecal matter in a persons colon and a colon detoxification is necessary to get rid of whatever is calling one's insides home.
I mean, we don't have to wait until we have something seriously wrong with us before we decide to do a little preventative maintenance, do we? After all, with handy little things like the "Death Clock" reminding us that we're mortal, taking steps to live longer just makes perfect sense, right?

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